Thursday, May 03, 2007


Today Nolan walked up to me and said something. At first I thought he said "book" but his face was so darn thoughtful (and cute, I have to add) and he wasn't holding a book, so I put on my Mom thinking cap, and then said, "Poop??" He said it again, a bit more sure of himself, "Poop!" So I smelled his toosh...he did go!!! So, no more putting off this potty seat buying I suppose! It's so amazing when these concepts click in their head...who knew the word poop could make me so happy (it is a fun word, go on say it, you know you want to)!


Kim and Matt said...

Ha Ha too funny!!! Avery said poop when she woke up from her nap today for the firs time too! They must be talking. :) Potty training could be closer than we think! AAGGGHH!! Scary thought! :)

Mom Mc said...

Way to go Nolan! Love and kisses Granma

Mom Mc said...

Oh and by the way I would like to request to be invited to view Cheyna's blog if that is OK with her. Could you ask her for me and let me know how I go about it?