Sunday, January 06, 2008

Trip to the Firestation

Most of you probably know, my brother Jack is a firefighter. So of course our trip to St. Louis would not be complete without taking Nolan to see Jack at the firehouse. It was so much fun and Nolan was in complete and utter awe. He was pretty intimidated at first, because those firetrucks are BIG up close. But we just let him get used to it and eventually he warmed up to it and was very excited. Uncle Jack let him press the horn, the sirens and he even gave us a ride in the firetruck and the ambulance! So Nolan was pretty much on cloud nine! Jack, thank you SO much for this priceless experience. We're so proud of you and all that you do.
Nolan's first look at the inside of the truck:Nolan and Momma in the truck. At first Nolan would only sit on my lap, but eventually braved sitting in a seat all to himself!
Nolan in front of the ambulance:
Not only is Uncle Jack a firefighter, he's an awesome UNCLE (he's not such a bad brother either)!!! Jack, Nolan, myself, Mom & Dad:


The Vrabecs said...

Looks like fun! I am sure Nolan had a blast :)

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad nolan got to have so many fun experiences on your trip!