Thursday, May 21, 2009

Biker Dude

Nolan has been riding around, and loving, his cousin Maddie's pink Barbie tricycle since we've gotten to Grandma and Paw Paw's house. Brian and I decided as soon to be big brother, he deserved a bike that didn't have any pink in it. Nolan really wanted a "big" bike, 2 wheels and not a big wheel, so we figured we'd give it a shot. He did really good on it and loves his new bike! I just can't believe what a big boy he looks like!Here's a short video of Nolan on his first venture into the world on his "big boy" bike. We thought you would like to see, Daddy!! Of course, I am sucking in my breath and gasping a lot in the clip, he was a little wobbly at first and I was worried he would topple down. He didn't topple though and held his own really well!

1 comment:

Brian said...

I love it, I wish I could be there to experience it! Luckily there is not a big hill that Pa Pa has to run down to keep up with Nolan....