Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year my head is quite simply spinning with things to be thankful for. I'm of course extremely grateful for my family and for our friends. Without them, this year would have been almost unbearable. We have depended on so many of you, so much, and we are humbled to the core. I am thankful that this morning Brian got up to feed Daniel and brought him in to snuggle with me while he got his bottle ready. I can't wrap my brain around this little miracle. Thank you all for your prayers for him throughout the year. He's strong, he's growing, he's happy, he's developing normally, he's healthy. Seriously, he's our miracle, but that's not to say our other boys are not miracles. Nolan came tearing into our room this morning, bounding in to yell, "MOM!!!! IT'S THANKSGIVING TODAY!! I GET TO WATCH THE POLAR EXPRESS!!!" (we made him stop watching it a few months ago, so the excitment of Christmas would seem more magical when watching the movie). And my sweet Joe-Joe Bear had us rolling this morning as he tried to move his bottle into his mouth telepathically. His belly laugh is like listening to gold.

I am grateful for a God that has guided me this past years through obstacles I thought for sure I would fail. He is my rock and my hope.

Yes, today is a day of thanks and a day of grateful hearts. May your homes be filled with the same sweet happiness and full hearts that we are blessed to have.

This is Nolan and I at his preschool Thanksgiving lunch. I love spending time with him there and hearing his teacher tell me stories!
Daniel & Joseph in their Thanksgiving gear!

1 comment:

Becky said...

So sweet!!! Hope you had a Happy Turkey Day!!!