Dear Joseph and Daniel,
I cannot belive that you both are a half of year old!! Even though its been so challenging, the time is really flying by and if I dwell on just
how quickly, my heart will break! This is such a great age, though. You both are constantly trying and doing new things, your personalities are developing, and you are just plum fun to be around.
Joseph, you are just the opposite of everything I have known about babies. Your sweet chubby cheeks and pot belly remind that you are my only boy that has not had me worried to death about weight gain issues. You absolutely love food and everything that goes with it. You absolutely want to be a part of our family meals and just smile and coo and laugh during our dinner conversations. Lately you also do a lot of chomping and reaching for our food. So far your favorites are sweet potatoes and avacados (Daniel's fav, too), but I will say the other day you sucked the remains of my chicken nugget lunch from my fingers and you were absolutely delighted. Mealtime is a little traumatic for you. You are appeased for .1 seconds that the the spoon is in your mouth but the moment it starts leaving your mouth (to go to the bowl for more), you cry. You are so not impressed when I show you an empty bowl. You also think napping is for the birds, not for babies. Every few days you'll nap really well and I get used to it...then you have enough energy to get back to normal, napping only for 10-15 incraments. You won't let us set you on our lap. You HAVE to be standing/jumping. Your little voice is the sweetest thing and you love to squeal and coo and laugh. Baby laughter is the best thing ever and you have plenty of it. You are ticklish, you love peek a boo and you adore and worship Nolan. I hear you two laughing at each other daily and it's music for my soul. I love you, Joseph Bear and what you've brought to this family. You have made me more laid back and have allowed me to laugh more often and more freely. Happy 6 months, sweet boy.
Daniel, oh, sweet, sweet, strong, amazing Daniel. You are awesome. You have been through a lot, but your disposition doesn't show it. Yes, you can be my fussy one, but it's almost always for a good reason. I have hated that we have spent so much of your first months of life just trying to control pain. But I have loved seeing you rise above it. You are very much like Nolan. When you meet someone new, you take them in, stare at them and after a few minutes, and some built trust, you will finally flash a smile. Your smile is the most beautiful thing, you use your entire body. It's more like an activity for you, smiling at me. You are laughing more and more and are ticklish and think its the funniest thing in the world when we dance together. Nolan lectures me daily about how I need to cover you up in your bouncy chair or on the playmat (between you and me, I don't cover you on purpose, because Nolan loves to do it and you love it, too)! Your eyes are so piercing blue, Daniel, that its shocking, they are so beautiful. You love to hold my hand while you drink your bottle and that helps me remember how right this all is, how wonderfully blessed I really am. Like Joseph, you adore sweet potatoes and avacados. You are not a fan of applesauce and look at me with disgust when I try. Your weight gain is still a struggle, but you are working so hard. Developmentally, you are on track and continue to amaze and amuse me. You have opened up a part of my heart that I didn't know I had, you've filled places that were controlled by self-pity and sadness and are now filled with the reminder of God's grace and miracles. Thank you for your patience with me and for your unconditional love, your laughter, your smiles and for a heart of gold. I love you so much. We've made it 6 months, baby boy, here's to many more!
I love you boys forever and ever and more.