Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

We were able to help send off some friends that were moving away at a going away/pumpkin carving party. I couldn't believe how much food there was...and how many pumpkins there were!! It was such a festive affair!

Nolan carving his pumpkin:
Joseph and Daniel used stickers to decorate their pumpkins:
Hostess, Saundra (left) and her cousin, Kaylee:
A line of pumpkins begins to form...this is about half of the carved pumpkins!
I think the one on the right was the winning pumpkin, created & carved by a little guy with no help--impressive! Dancing! This was the coolest part and the best idea ever!

Apple Pickin'

A few weeks ago, we went to Parlee Farms, an awesome place that we visited last year as well. We met Tara, Sean and their girls there and it was a fantastic day...with only a few hiccups. Nolan & Ashlyn on the hay bales: Danny & Joey watching the bunnies: I love this picture...Ashlyn asked Nolan if he was chewing gum. This was his response. Don't ask me why I happened to be snapping a pic right then. Picking wild flowers. Brian picking pumpkins:
My 3 lil' pumpkins.
On the hayride to pick pumpkins.
This was our hiccup. Out in the apple orchard, with no umbrella. You know, because there was a 9% chance of rain. NINE. It poured. If you are wondering, apple trees don't make good umbrella's.
But that's okay, we had fun anyway!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


I have been having so much fun taking pictures lately and really trying to educate myself about my camera. I have a loooong way to go and constantly fall short in what I could know. But little by little I'm learning. Editing is a big part of photography and an area I know so little about. I'm starting with a user friendly version, Picnik. I want to use photoshop, but its more costly and completely overwhelming since I don't know what I'm doing...I plan to take a class or watch tutorials, but until then, this is what I'm working with. my photography friends out there, I am an amateur and I KNOW IT! :) But are my boys, in my first couple attempts at editing.

J Bear: Nolan:
This is Danny...he had fallen earlier in the week down the driveway and scraped his nose. I was able to tone down the scratch in the pic, but not completely. And yes...that's a tear.


Nolan's field trip to an apple farm was cancelled, but luckily the day it was rescheduled for was gorgeous (unlike last year when the preschools field trip kept getting rescheduled and rained out and they never were able to go). They went apple picking, ate cider donuts, drank apple cider, picked a pumpkin and got to ride a bus...Nolan had a wonderful time!! This is him after school with his loot. That night the base hosted the annual Octoberfest. Danny and Daddy: Their decorated pumpkin. There are no pics of Joseph because he was clinging to Brian or I the entire night because he was terrified of the clown that was there.
Nolan decorating his pumpkin, which the squirrels have since eaten.
Nolan's face took quite a bit of face washing and one ruined wash cloth to get that off!!

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Pop Pop and Uncle Jack

In September, my dad and my brother flew to Boston to visit us...we had so much fun (but we missed you, Grammy)!! Nolan was so so excited and it took the twins a mere 5 minutes to feel the same way about Pop Pop and Uncle Jack. On the first full day they were there I hired a babysitter so we could take them on a tour of the city kid free...we missed the boys, but figured it would be the easiest way to see the most. Its amazing how those cuties can slow you down. Of course, I think dad would have welcomed a bit of slowing is Dad, Jack and Brian toasting at the brewery right by Fenway! Our tour of Fenway park. Such a cool tour...and they give a military discount! Dad and I in the announcer box. I felt pretty cool, obviously. The following day we went back downtown after Nolan was out of school to see the North End and do a bit more touristy stuff. We were only able to get my dad out the door again by promising no more public transportation! :) Pop Pop with Joseph & Daniel.
Since Jack's a firefighter, the boys were able to get an upclose look at the firetruck at the North End (but none of my pics really turned out). Reason #101 why Nolan adores Jack:
Joseph & Jack:
Eating at Pizzeria Regina, which came highly recommended. I now crave this pizza weekly...luckily there is one at the mall, but the North End one was so perfect!
Nolan and Pop Pop:
Uncle Jack & Nolan. I'm not kidding after they left, Nolan and I were in a funk for days.