Saturday, December 31, 2011

December Kid-Isms

  • The dental hygeniest asked Nolan what he had asked Santa for. Nolan said, "Well, I asked for a Wii, because its alot of money (he actually quoted the cost) and my mom and dad can't afford it because they have to pay for food.
  • When I was walking with Nolan to school and said I couldn't wait for our date that night, he said, "Stop talking about it." Then he said, "Is my face blushing?"


  • When I say, "I love you" to Joseph, he replies, "I LUB you!"
  • When I say, "I love you, Danny" he replises, "Love u momma!"
  • Joseph says yes, "Yaah"
  • Danny says yes, "Yesh."
  • Joseph says things like, "Nolan at school" while shaking his head no. This means, "Nolan is not at school."


1 comment:

Mom Mc said...

Nolan is just like his father. Always very discriptive. Love the Blushing comment. What a sweetheart! Want to just eat all of them up :-D