Joseph & Daniel-
A couple days before New Years Day we drove to the North Shore to explore. Alot of the museums and shops were closed for the season, but it was still beautiful. I'm looking forward to going when its a bit warmer, but I will say this...fresh clam chowder tastes so good when its cold outside!!
When we lived in Florida, Nolan's first sport was basketball, through the YMCA. Last year we didn't realize he could play basketball because almost everything else on base goes by school age, not actual age, so after a year off, he's back! He loves it and I think he has a natural talent for it, but hey, I'm his mom, so I admit I'm biased. That being said, at his first game this past Saturday, little man scored TWO BASKETS! I am such a proud momma!
I began thinking about 2011 and of course, hospital visits struck me. Then I began to lose count. But then I realized, I was counting 3 stitches visits which actually happened at the end of 2010. If you recall, Daniel fell into our tv stand corner and needed stitches on his forehead. Two weeks (roughly) later, Joseph fell, on the exact corner and got a matching spot on HIS head, same place. Ironic, right? Then, two days before 2010 ended, Daniel fell into a toy firetruck and busted open his chin, needing minimal repair, but glue "stitches" none the less. I remember this one vividly because I was so worried about having him in an ER, full of germs, so close to his surgery date when we were being so careful about keeping him healthy. In January, Daniel had his second heart surgery. And came out with flying colors. Next to the hospital was Joseph, who awoke us one night with a scary cough and couldn't seem to catch his breath or breathe. I have never been so frightened as when I drove him to the ER, listening to him gasp for air. Next was Daniel, who caught a cold and Brian took him to the Children's ER as a precaution because it was post-surgery and we were concerned about a high fever and so were the doctors. All was fine, thankfully. Nolan became ill in March and probably should have gone to the ER, but we avoided it, but went to the doctors three times in five days with what turned out to be the flu. He was sick for 10 days, with a fever reaching 104.5 To say the least, it was terrifying. In early June, sweet Daniel was back at Children's hospital for his second surgery...to fix a tethered spinal cord. We spent two nights in the hospital, short comparitevely, but it was a much more trying stay for him and for me, as he couldn't sit, he had to lay flat for 48 hours. If memory serves me correctly, next was myself. Not even a week after moving down the street, into our new house, I developed a sore throat. A sore throat so bad that meds didn't help at all. A visit to the doctors said it wasn't strep throat. Two days later, I called them back in tears, in more pain than I can ever remember being in. They sent me to the ER (and freaked me out with what that meant). The ER doctor said I should have already been on antibiotics, that I had pharyngitis. In September, Nolan became suddenly ill, vomiting quite a bit and after a quick trip to the Pediatricians was sent to the ER for dehydration. After IV's, he was sent home and within hours was back to himself, thank goodness! Finally, in October, Daniel fell for the second time in three days, landed on his forehead (in the same spot he had early in the week), resulting in an instant baseball size lump on his head. Talk about terrifying. Thankfully my in laws were in town and Kathy was able to come with me to the ER. And thank GOD, no serious damage was done. It was at this visit I asked if they perhaps had punch cards, seeing as I had three boys and I now seem to be a regular there!
In between our hospital visits, the year was chalk full of fun. Going on vacation to the beach, visiting museums, cook outs with friends, girls nights, guys nights, family movie nights, family game nights. One visit to the hospital one of my dear friends surprised me with hot tea to help calm my nerves. At 11 pm at night. A few months later that friend, Cheryl, and her family moved away and we had to say good bye. We also had to say good bye to Jess and Tyler and their boys, two of Nolan's best friends. Nolan had to say good bye to over half of his preschool class in May as they moved away. We moved houses. Brian pinned on Major. Ups and downs. Nolan played T-ball. Nolan played soccer. The twins started talking. Nolan started kindergarten.Ups and downs. Full Circle. I love it and I mourn how quickly it goes.
New Years Eve we left the kids for the first time since the twins were born (on NYE, not ever). We went to dinner with two other couples, had yummy food and lots of laughs. We came back to base and went to a friends house and ended up playing board games until the new year! I have to admit, I missed my kids on New Years...I love watching them with noise makers and hats, so even though it was a great time, I think it will be a few years before I leave them again.And finally...my new years resolution. This post is only a few days late, but I blame that on my getting an ear infection and being down for the count for days. This year my resolutions are simple. Aim to please my family and treat my family as good as, if not better, than other people. I only need to worry about what they think of me, not other people. So if I have to say no more, I will just learn to do it. And my second resolution is to write more. Journal, blog, write more letters... I miss writing dearly and need to get back into the habit. I will concentrate less on perfect photos and more on everyday photos and writing about them. I don't need perfect lighting to know how beautiful my boys are on an every day basis.
Soo....here's to a new, wonderful, hopeful, happy, exciting (but not too exciting), memorable 2012!!!