Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Eve we had plans on having friends over for brunch, but Daniel got pretty sick and his fever wouldn't go away (or come down), so we had a quiet day. Nolan and I went to the Christmas pageant and mass on base, then we got chinese take out and had a relaxed dinner. Followed by sprinkling reindeer food outside, placing the cookies and carrots on the table, with a big glass of milk (Nolan insisted Santa would be very thirsty). Nolan then proceeded to wake up at 2:30 am, hoping Santa had come. Then he woke me up at 3:15 again...he finally went back to sleep and slept in until 7. We had a very relaxing day and all little boys in our house were very excited about their gifts. Danny was struggling, and not feeling well...turns out my poor baby had pnemonia!

The three boys in front of Santa's cookies:

Opening frenzy:
The fam...even Tootsie wanted in the pic (and by the way, she was extra spoiled this year)!


1 comment:

Mom Mc said...

Love the family pic even with poor sick Danny boy. We miss you all oodles!!! Love, hugs and kisses, Gramma and Papa