Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nolan says the Darndest Things

  • This morning Nolan was watching TV in my room, something he likes to do when he's feeling under the weather. This is day #4 of being "sick" and I am fairly certain he is better, but doesn't want to admit it because it would mean giving up being so spoiled/coddled, etc. Anyway, he was in my room and peeked his head out and asked, "Mom are you coming in your room right now?" I was intrigued, so said, "Nooo." He said, "Well, don't come in right now, okay?" CLICK. He shut the door! I waited about 30 seconds then tip toed to the door and quickly opened it, to find him jumping on our bed. I tried really hard not to laugh and sent him to time out and on the way he exclaimed, "BUT MOM!!! I told you NOT to come in there!!!"
  • Nolan and Brian encountered a spider by our doorway. I started coming to see the size and Nolan said, "Mom, STOP!" (he waved his hands for me to back up)."Mom, don't come over here, I don't want you to have to see this!"
  • Nolan didn't want to eat his dinner one night. When we were trying to reason with him he simply told us, "When I'm sick I don't like any food. I only like chicken and goldfish!"
  • When he got in trouble recently Nolan told me, "Mom you broke my heart."
  • Out of the blue the other day Nolan said, "Mom I gotta stop drinking water or my belly will get big like yours did and I'll pop a baby!"

1 comment:

Becky said...

So funny! I love reading the Nolan comments!!! Saying prayers for some weight gaining over there!! Love you Sam!!