Monday, September 28, 2009

Prayer Request

As you can probably tell from pictures, Daniel is doing great and looking healthy and acting just as he should. His growth, however, continues to be a struggle. We've changed formula's multiple times due to acid reflux and in the past couple weeks his weight gain has been extremely minimal. We meet with the cardiologist tomorrow and have been told he should have some direction for us, but we're pretty frustrated. We would be so grateful if we could call on you all again to pray that he can gain weight steadily again and that he can even catch up a bit. We are now constantly getting the question, "How old is he?" (points to Joseph). "And how old is he?" (points to Daniel). Daniel does look healthy, but he looks the size of a newborn!! I try not to let questions like that bother me and I try not to let smart aleck responses float in my mind, but it just somehow makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. As mothers we are supposed to nurture our children and even though I know logically I am doing this, it breaks my heart when I put Daniel on the scale only to have it say he has not gained an ounce!!!! Especially when i feel like I do nothing but feed him and Joseph! Anyway, prayers would be GREATLY appreciated!!! Thank you!!!

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