I am beyond behind on posts and updates. I have at least 100 cute pics of the boys. But my time is so limited these days and not just because we have twins and a toddler. Poor Daniel...he is really having a rough time, so much so that I'm on the verge of admitting him to the hospital until someone can tell me what the heck is the matter with our little guy. It started a couple weeks ago, like it always does...a bit of fussiness at eating. It got worse. And worse. A week ago, after a morning where he wouldn't stop crying, we were sent to Pensacola's ER. We spent 6 1/2 hours there (and Daniel endured painful tests) for them to tell me nothing is wrong...except acid reflux. So we switched meds again. They have not helped and in fact, we think he is worse. We visited the pediatrician this week, who assured me, "It will get better." Eating hurts Daniel so badly that he is beginning to reject the bottle and even his pacifier. I'm terrified. We have an appointment Tuesday to do an upper GI exam, where he drinks a chalky substance and they do an X-ray. I hate this and am spent. I'm worn out and I just want him to catch a freaking break!! On a positive note, I weighed him this morning and it's truly a miracle, but he is 10lbs2oz, up 5 oz from Wed (crazy, right?). We think the rice cereal is helping him gain weight. Now if we could just get him to eat he would be doing great. We don't have big plans this weekend, so hopefully with Brian's help I can get some updates here!!
I am so sorry you have to go through this. It seems like you have had to endure so much already and this just isn't fair. I sure wish I was there to help, even if it was to hold a crying baby or to lend a shoulder to you! I continue to pray for you guys and especially that they can figure out what exactly is bothering Daniel so he can be on the road to recovery. Hang in there, you are one strong Mama...truly an inspiration to all of us! We love you and miss you!!
Sorry to hear this, Sam. I hope your poor little man gets to feeling better soon. I can't imagine how difficult this must be but, I'll continue to pray for you all. XOXO
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