This past weekend Brian and I had to make a decision that literally broke our hearts. After years of showing aggression towards our other dog, Tootsie, Haley initiated a rough scuffle with Tootsie (again). I don't want to dwell on this, because I don't want to remember Haley in any light, but the beautiful, wonderful dog that she was to us. But I will say our top concern had to be for our kids. The incident happened where the babies normally lay/sit/play. Nolan was awake and next to the dogs, which I think is what put the fear of God in my heart. It was just too close of a call. Anyone who knows dogs, knows when they are fighting, they are completely unaware of what is going on around them. We took Haley to a wonderful shelter on base that does a phenominal job of adopting dogs and cats out. We were told that with her size she had a REALLY good chance of going quickly. I know she'll go quickly becaue of her personality, though. I will imagine, for the sake of my heart, that she is adopted by a nice retired couple, where they will walk her daily, multiple times. She will shake her body/tail at every elderly person they encounter and she will brighten up lives with every passing day. I will try not be jealous of her new owners luck at finding a one of a kind gem like Haley Joe. I try to ignore that weird ghost-like sensation that she is waiting around every corner of our house, wagging her tail, ready to give my nose a soft, Haley kiss. I will push down the urge to be a crazy woman and go explain to the squirrels that she's not coming back. They acted as foes, but I know they were all in one gigantic game of catch and chase. I will swallow the lump when I realize that Brian and I barely spent a week of our lives together away from home before Haley was brought into it and that she has seen us through the start of our marriage, our moves, ups, downs, babies, TDY's, a deployment. I will work on remembering the lessons she taught me and most importantly how she unconditionally loved us all.
In closing, I will include the letter I wrote to go to Haley's new family. We love you, Haley, always and forever, no matter where we are or you are, we love you always. Don't ever stop shaking that butt, Haley Joe. My Hale Bale, our little "bug."
To Haley’s Adoptive Family:
Haley came into our lives 8 years ago when someone in a neighboring apartment had to give her up because they had too many pets. She was four months at the time and the moment we met her, with her toosh-wagging body, we were in love. We know she was bred and born in Canada and we adopted her in California. We then moved to Wyoming where she was able to enjoy her first taste of a backyard. She was a big fan, to say the least and to this day loves running and playing in the backyard. She makes the lives of squirrels very difficult and loves chasing them. She has been a happy Floridian for 4 years. On nice days she is happiest simply laying outside in a patch of sun, relaxing and hoping a squirrel may wander by. If it’s a bit chilly, she will find a place indoors that has a patch of sunlight and settle herself in for a nice cozy day. She is not too advanced in her years yet to enjoy a game of fetch, but she is not so young that she needs to be played with every minute and after a bit of play she prefers a nice snooze. She is a cuddler at heart and will keep your lap warm and really appreciates in return to have her ears and belly scratched.. Haley can sit, shake, roll-over and even plays “dead” if you say “Bang!” She adores going for walks and will greet any human, small or big, with tail wagging and excitement. She is loyal and loving and fun and our family will not be the same without her, but it is our hope that she’ll be just as happy, if not happier. Her stomach does not handle people food very well, but if she were to be spoiled on occasion, her favorites are eggs, popcorn and peanut butter. If you have chosen Haley we thank you and we know your lives will be fuller and richer because of her, just as our lives have been blessed in every way by her and her beautiful personality.