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- I asked if Nolan would like pancakes for breakfast one morning and he said "Well, Mommy those are only delicious-light. I wanna have something WORLD delicious." When I asked him what that meant he said, delicious light is a little delicious, but WORLD delicious is "really, really, really delicious."
- When we told Nolan who sings Puff the Magic Dragon he said, "Who are Peter, Paul and Berry?"
- Every day Nolan asks what we're bringing to Boston. "Will we bring my bed? Will we bring my toys? Will we bring the doors (of the house)? Will we bring the stove? The sink? The roof?"
- Whenever Nolan does something he knows he is not supposed to do he goes over and tells the babies, "Joseph/Daniel, don't do that when you are bigger, its not a good idea."
- Nolan loves the Laurie Berkner song, "I'm not perfect" but he keeps trying to convince me he CAN and WILL be perfect.
- I have to change the name of these soon, because this one is about Joseph. He now can sign "more" and does it often and is impatient. It's adorable and quite frankly AMAZING to me!!
- Daniel says "Mama" really well and quite often! I'm not certain if he is referring to me, but when he's upset he starts saying it, so I like to think he's calling for me!
Hudson asked us the same questions about what we were moving with us. I would have to explain over and over if is attached to the house (toilet, bathtub ect.) it is not going, if it is not attached it is going with us! These are so cute!
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