So much to do, so little time! Here are some quick updates on the twins!
- Joseph now has three teeth! His top two came in first, which the pediatrician told me is certainly unusual, but not unheard of...JoJo's personality through and through! His bottom left popped through Saturday and was by far the worst pain for him and for us! You can see his top two here!

- Daniel's first tooth popped through Thursday, much to my relief! It's a miracle we know he has a tooth because he won't let us near his mouth, but its his bottom left, and popped through 2 days before J's bottom left!
- Both boys are crawling faster than the speed of light. Daniel still army crawls, but will occasionally go up on all fours and crawl. His physical therapist isn't worried, but if he goes from army crawl into walking, we'll have to do muscle work in areas later down the road.
- Both babies can and do pull themselves up on everything. They cruise comfortably, but not quickly. They can both speed walk with the walker toy that Nolan loved at their age. Neither will take a step by themselves yet, but I think its a matter of weeks before one of them will brave it.
- They are into everything. EVERYTHING!! Drawers, boxes, closets, cabinets. I literally lay my head down at night and thank God that they are safe at night.
- They stand in their cribs and babble at each other. They also wave at each other, and wave at everyone daily.
It is a stressful, chaotic time, but its so awesome. I really do love this age and with twins, it may be twice the work, but absolutely twice the fun and blessings. We are having a blast!! More to come soon....