- Nolan will often ask me, "How do you know?" if I answer one of his many questions. I told him, "Nolan, mommies know everything." He got quiet and then said, "Is Katelin riding her bike?" Distracted, I said, "I don't know, Nolan." He smirked. "See, mommies don't know EVERYTHING."
- This a repeat, I think, but Nolan still pronounces Chuck E Cheese as "ChuckYJesus."
- One Saturday morning the twins slept in till 8:30 or so. Brian and I were snuggled in, enjoying the extra lazy time in bed, but Nolan wasn't having it. He declined snuggling with us and went off to play...or so I thought. He climbed on the counter, got himself a bowl, got into the cabinet, pulled out a new cereal box. Opened it. Taped the top because he ripped it opening it. Poured cereal into bowl. Poured milk into bowl. Cleaned up spilled milk. Carried bowl to table. Happily ate like the big, independant boy he is and proudly told us of his adventures when he was finished.
- They scream Mama and Dada for us. Loudly.
- They adore bubbles. Love them and both ask for them, and say the actual word!!! "Bubba, bubba."
- They want to take baths all day everyday. At least three times a day they do the sign for bath. They also will put their face in the water. Quite a change from a few months ago when they went through a stage of being terrified of the bath.
- They will put up their hands as if saying "where is that/she/he/it" and say Da-Da, while he's at work.
- They beat each other sensless in the shopping cart. Daniel also has taken to giving Joseph wet willies in the cart...how he thought of that, I'll never know, but Joseph gets so stinkin' mad!!! (wouldn't you?)
- Joseph can say "ball" very clearly!
- D continues to repeat what we ask him to pretty clearly.
- Both boys continue to amaze me with their sign language. Joseph saw a clip of cookie monster and made up a sign for him (he puts his hands to his mouth as if eating cookies). He LOVES cookie monster. I'm not really that surprised!
- They go around doing the sign for "baby" because they LOVE that clip of the 18 month old twins that is going around all the TV shows and internet. They will watch it over and over and over!