Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Kidisms

  • Nolan will often ask me, "How do you know?" if I answer one of his many questions. I told him, "Nolan, mommies know everything." He got quiet and then said, "Is Katelin riding her bike?" Distracted, I said, "I don't know, Nolan." He smirked. "See, mommies don't know EVERYTHING."
  • This a repeat, I think, but Nolan still pronounces Chuck E Cheese as "ChuckYJesus."
  • One Saturday morning the twins slept in till 8:30 or so. Brian and I were snuggled in, enjoying the extra lazy time in bed, but Nolan wasn't having it. He declined snuggling with us and went off to play...or so I thought. He climbed on the counter, got himself a bowl, got into the cabinet, pulled out a new cereal box. Opened it. Taped the top because he ripped it opening it. Poured cereal into bowl. Poured milk into bowl. Cleaned up spilled milk. Carried bowl to table. Happily ate like the big, independant boy he is and proudly told us of his adventures when he was finished.


  • They scream Mama and Dada for us. Loudly.
  • They adore bubbles. Love them and both ask for them, and say the actual word!!! "Bubba, bubba."
  • They want to take baths all day everyday. At least three times a day they do the sign for bath. They also will put their face in the water. Quite a change from a few months ago when they went through a stage of being terrified of the bath.
  • They will put up their hands as if saying "where is that/she/he/it" and say Da-Da, while he's at work.
  • They beat each other sensless in the shopping cart. Daniel also has taken to giving Joseph wet willies in the he thought of that, I'll never know, but Joseph gets so stinkin' mad!!! (wouldn't you?)
  • Joseph can say "ball" very clearly!
  • D continues to repeat what we ask him to pretty clearly.
  • Both boys continue to amaze me with their sign language. Joseph saw a clip of cookie monster and made up a sign for him (he puts his hands to his mouth as if eating cookies). He LOVES cookie monster. I'm not really that surprised!
  • They go around doing the sign for "baby" because they LOVE that clip of the 18 month old twins that is going around all the TV shows and internet. They will watch it over and over and over!

Favorite Color

I'm one of those wishy washy people that can never make up my mind about my favorite color. But these days, I would say blue. Blue is my favorite color. Three glorious different shades of blue.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Strawberry Swiper

Danny's newest discovery...he can open the fridge. He's really proud of himself. And pretty sneaky.... Photobucket

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Basket Auction

Last weekend we attended the Spouses Club basket auction. All the proceeds go to give scholarships to the military students heading off to college. Its such a great program and so so much fun. They had silent auctions when we first arrived and a live auction during dinner. We won a bid on a dog stay for Tootsie at the kennel we use (not very exciting, I know). And then during the live auction we went in with two other couples and won a dinner for a later date. And we won this cheesecake, yummy!
Jess, Erica, myself & Robyn:
Brian and I.
All the ladies want pictures with Brian because of his HOT MARCH MUSTACHE!

Monday, March 21, 2011

I've Missed this Boy...

I've really, really missed this boy

...the total goofball, ...the boy, who won't cooperate when I want to take pictures, when the sun was finally shining again... ...the boy who shines brighter than any sunshine I know... ...with that mischevious gleam in his eye. Oh Nolan, I've missed that boy this past week that the flu has stolen from you. I pray and hope that none of my kids ever have to go through something that awful again! Thankfully, Nolan has now been fever free for 2 1/2 days! And thankfully tamiflu seems to have spared the rest of us!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


This is a very typical and normal naptime for the twins in our house. It's about 50/50 if they sleep at all, and on days they do nap they wake up shortly after and play. I don't mind a bit, but worry that when they are not "locked up" in cribs and have big boy beds, they will not stay put in their rooms....but for now, its pretty amusing.



Nolan, always sweet on his momma, wanted to show me the hearts he made me. He asked if I would take his picture.
Joseph had to show me his playdough artwork...
Meanwhile, Daniel was hamming it up with big brothers helmut. Here he's saying "cheeeeese."


I am so grateful for the time I got to spend with family while I was in St. Louis. I was able to spend some quality time with Jack, my big brother, which is rare. Living far away just doesn't present the opportunity very often. Sure, he could come visit...(hint, hint)... Anyway, here are some more lively pics of our crew.

My cousin, Vinny (yes, that's really his name. And that's really my cousin), Jack & my cousin Bobby. This picture makes it look like we went to a bar. Maybe we did...for dinner. I can neither confirm nor deny. But my dad's face sure gives it away. And my brother holding darts doesn't help much either. Meghan and I. She's glowing because she's a new mommy and it suits her so well!!! Meghan's newest love, Mr. Malachy. I love him and got a huge baby fix cuddling him up!!! Speaking of babies, how cute is this kid? My cousin, Jeremy (and his wife Ashley)'s son. Jeremy's other son, Mason and Austin (Tammi & Scott's youngest) playing video games.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Grandpa D.

I could not say it better, so I am borrowing my big brothers words of farewell to our grandfather.
Today we mourn the loss of a great man, Jack, family man, tail gunner in WWII, business entrepreneur, all around super grandpa. Jack is survived by 4 children, 7 grandchildren, 16 great grand children and 1 great great grandchild. You will be missed Grandpa, love you always. 1922-2011.

I am really blessed to have such special memories of Grandpa. I'm also very blessed that Brian is such a huge supporter of family and insisted I return for the memorial service. It means the world to me. I'm all around blessed to also have friends who helped Brian with the boys here in Boston and family in St. Louis (mostly big brother Jack) who carted me around and took care of me. I know Grandpa is in a very special place with Grandma and I imagine them getting the pool ready in Heaven for a reunion we will all someday have, basking in the sun, worry-less and pain free, surrounded by all whom we love and those that love us.

These are from last October, the last time I saw Grandpa. I hold this visit so close to my heart because he was able to meet the twins, see Nolan and was even making jokes and laughing.
Grandpa had a military funeral, so even though I'm sure it would have been anyway, it was a tear jerker.
Grandpa's four children. Aunt Dee, Aunt Jeanne, Dad & Aunt Terri: (More pictures of the visit in a post to come...)

Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Oh Joey, someday you'll be so angry at me.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

All About Nolan

Every week Nolan's class picks a child that is featured in "All About Me" week. They get to fill out a poster and then each day bring in something special (like show and tell). We were so proud of Nolan's poster, which he did all by himself. We would tell him how to spell things, but he did the rest! Joseph and Daniel wanted to help. Alot! Nolan listed his friends, but did say there wasn't enough room to write all of them. (Listed are Katelin, Trenton, Griffin & Madie) Favorite Foods (Fluffernutter and PB & J).
Finished Product. Nolan wouldn't tell us much about it, but from the sounds of it, he loved being the center of attention.