I am so grateful for the time I got to spend with family while I was in St. Louis. I was able to spend some quality time with Jack, my big brother, which is rare. Living far away just doesn't present the opportunity very often. Sure, he could come visit...(hint, hint)...
Anyway, here are some more lively pics of our crew.
My cousin, Vinny (yes, that's really his name. And that's really my cousin), Jack & my cousin Bobby.

This picture makes it look like we went to a bar. Maybe we did...for dinner. I can neither confirm nor deny. But my dad's face sure gives it away. And my brother holding darts doesn't help much either.

Meghan and I. She's glowing because she's a new mommy and it suits her so well!!!

Meghan's newest love, Mr. Malachy. I love him and got a huge baby fix cuddling him up!!!

Speaking of babies, how cute is this kid? My cousin, Jeremy (and his wife Ashley)'s son.

Jeremy's other son, Mason and Austin (Tammi & Scott's youngest) playing video games.
1 comment:
Great family pics. gald you made it in to enjoy this time at your family's homes.
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