We were able to help send off some friends that were moving away at a going away/pumpkin carving party. I couldn't believe how much food there was...and how many pumpkins there were!! It was such a festive affair!

We were able to help send off some friends that were moving away at a going away/pumpkin carving party. I couldn't believe how much food there was...and how many pumpkins there were!! It was such a festive affair!
I have been having so much fun taking pictures lately and really trying to educate myself about my camera. I have a loooong way to go and constantly fall short in what I could know. But little by little I'm learning. Editing is a big part of photography and an area I know so little about. I'm starting with a user friendly version, Picnik. I want to use photoshop, but its more costly and completely overwhelming since I don't know what I'm doing...I plan to take a class or watch tutorials, but until then, this is what I'm working with. So...to my photography friends out there, I am an amateur and I KNOW IT! :) But still...here are my boys, in my first couple attempts at editing.
J Bear: