- I asked Nolan, "When did you get to be such a big boy?" He said, "November 16th."
- Nolan and Daniel colored a picture for Brian and I and Nolan explained that he wanted to show us that "even toddlers can color good sometimes."
- Brian was explaining to Nolan that to win a free lego that they had entered a drawing for, he would have to be very lucky. Nolan replied, "Well, I hope one of my eyelashes falls out, so I can be really lucky and make a wish to win the lego."
Joseph & Daniel-
- They both say "Oh" in response to many things (but mostly Joseph)
- J says "Yeayy!" really cheerful like when he is saying yes (and in a good moof)
- D says "O-tay" for okay
- The boys love smoothies. Every morning, Daniel asks for one. But he pronounces it, "Boobie." He'll say "Mommy! Boobie!"
- Daniel calls ice "Ass cream"
- Sometimes when I hear the twins awake from a nap and I walk in their room, they are laying together on Joseph's bed reading a book together.
- Strange month--one night we found Daniel asleep behind the rocking chair. Later that same week we found Joseph asleep in the same spot. I think they go back their to play and peek into the other twins crib and then just crash. Its scary, though, when I go to check on them in their bed and they are GONE!
- The twins tell on each other. When D does, it sounds like this: "JoJo mean. JoJo push. JoJo go time out." When J does it is usually started off with a high pitch scream, followed by, "DANNY MEAN! DANNY PUSH ME!"
- I tried to get Danny to eat a veggie of some kind or another and he said to me, "Danny no like. Momma eat."
- We had a sitter one night so we could go to dinner. We had set a fort up that day. When the sitter arrived, the twins got upsest (they usually do, but are getting better). Danny sort of accepted we were leaving, but Joseph went into the fort and we could hear him sobbing and saying, "Mommy Daddy no go. Mommy Daddy stay home." I barely left.

1 comment:
Love the kid-isms!
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