Before I tell you all about my FABULOUS weekend, I want to finish blogging about our triop to Melbourne! Thursday evening we headed to Cocoa Beach where the Felker's live, to have dinner at their place. But it wasn't just us! Billie & the kids were in town for a vacation and much neede R&R and TJ was in town for a TDY that started later in the week. All night TJ kept referring to the party as "South Cheyenne" since it was a reunion in the south. First off, a huge THANK YOU to the Felker's for their hospitality. Dinner was awesome! Felker caught the grouper that we ate...good stuff! Their home is beautiful and their backyard is awesome. Felker is quite the handy man. He put in an inground pool himself and built a tiki-hut/deck that just makes you feel like you are on the beach (not that the beach is far). Delaney, their daughter, is 7 months and BEAUTIFUL! Unfortunately we arrived as she was going to bed, so we didn't get to snap any photos of her. Nolan LOVED playing with her toys, though. So much so that he refused to go to sleep while we were there (something rarely done. He is fighting to stay awake by 7 most nights). And in exciting news about Nolan, he took his first step at the Felker's. We were sitting on the couch, and I set him down like I always do; he must have thought I still had him, because he took one step, stopped in his tracks, looked behind him at me (saw I was NOT holding on), and then dropped to his toosh to crawl. Brian was there, too, luckily. Since then, we have tried to get him to walk a bit and he has NO interest. But thought I would share anyway, as we were pretty excited. So since blogger is being naughty today and this is the second time i have posted this, I am going to post the pics (hopefully):
Here's Abbey, the good luck walking charm (she was present when Evan started walking and now was there when Nolan took HIS first step)!
Tiki Hut:
Felker himself:
Billie & I
Brian & Late Nighter Nolan:
Bilie & Jamie:
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