Weight: 18 lbs, 5 oz (10 % for his age)
Height: 27 3/4 in (25-50% for his age)
Head: 45 cm around (25-50% for his age)
The doctor was pleased and also told us to start introducing more table foods. I can't believe his next check up is his 1 year. Where does the time go? My little man is growing up so fast. I love him to pieces and just cherish this time so much. Thanks for checking in, hope you are all doing well. God bless.
P.S. Still no teeth for our little gummy bear, but the bottom ones are so close to popping through you can see white and feel the bumps, so not too far off I hope.
this is a great pic... I love it when you can see personality in a pic....you have to frame it! :)
This is good news! I can't believe it has been almost a year too! Too too fast!
He is getting so big. Love the expression! I did find the Happy Baby food grinder that I used for the boys. It should still work. Let me know if you want me to include it when we send the other stuff (hamock, teether,etc. Dad found some BDU pants that should fit Brian and some other kind of coat but I can't remember the name of it and Dad is not here as he left for C9R this am. I have to work this weekend so no fun for me!
Hailey's teeth have just broken the surface. We were wondering when they were going to show up too!
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