So this past weekend, I left the boys at home and took a trip to see Sally in Boston. It was a BLAST!! Oh my goodness, I cannot express in words how much fun I had and how truly grateful I am to Sal for her graciousness as a hostess. We couldn't believe it had been almost a year since we had seen one another...way too long, but I guess when you live thousands of miles away and one of you has a baby, that's sometimes how it goes. But we picked up where we left off...drinking wine and talking until all hours of the night!!! Okay, last time I saw her I guess I wasn't drinking wine, I was pg, but you get the idea!
So Friday began with Sally getting me from the airport , going back to her place and sipping some wine. Then we got ready to hit the town and Sally took me to No Name...the best lobster place in Boston. And if you are thinking fancy shmancy...not at all. It was awesome, very casual, wooden tables, and oh my GOSH! The lobster...UNREAL GOOD!!!!! Then we just hit a couple places on our way home and had some more wine. We ended the night by chowing down on pizza when we got to Sally's, then sleeping in on Saturday!! Saturday our day began with lunch at a Thai restaurant around the block from Sally's. Then we ventured out to see Boston. We went to Harvard's campus, and then took a trolley ride around the city...what a beautiful and full of history city! Saturday evening we did some shopping then met Chris & Caroline at Lucca's, an awesome Italian restaurant in the Italian district (I didn't realize, but Boston has lots of "districts"...Chinatown, German, Irish...). Sally and I finished the night by walking to Cheer's bar...the original. It was so surreal! Sunday morning I had to leave (EARLY) and Sally was kind enough to escort me back to the airport. I had such a good time. THANK YOU SALLY!!!! Even with all the excitement of Boston, the best part of the trip was seeing you and catching up on how things are. I miss ya girl! Now it's your turn...when are you coming to FL?
Here's some pictures from Friday night:
Sally & her lobster:
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Me & my lobster :
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Sally on the town:
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We'll come to Fl soon, promise! ;)
How fun!!! I want to go to Boston!!
Love you girls with the lobsters. You both look fantastic! It was great talking to you both late Fri nite. You both sounded like you were having a fabulous time and just a tiny bit tipsy ;-}! Brian denied calling 5 times.
Where's your lobster hat??
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