Christmas Eve we went to church and then came home to crock pot chili and corn bread. We're fancy in these parts. It actually was perfect and tasted soooo good. After dinner we decorated our sugar cookies for Santa and put out his plate of cookies, carrots for those busy reindeer and a glass of milk. Nolan was tough to get to sleep that night, but he finally crashed. He slept later than I would have thought and woke about 7:30 asking, "Is Santa here?" We told him no, but he HAD paid a visit last night. Nolan rushed out to the living room and gasped! "HE ATE THE COOKIES!" Another gasp. "HE DRANK HIS MILK!" I wish we had that on film. The rest of the morning was fantastic, opening gifts, playing, taking pictures, and laughing. After playing all morning Nolan was hard pressed to wake up from his nap. We finally got him awake and headed to Cheyna and Andrew's, where Gramma Susan made a delicious Christmas dinner for us, the Vrabecs and the Malones. It was awesome and we were totally spoiled! The night ended with some Wii Guitar Hero. I have yet to try my hand at it, but it's so fun to watch people play it. Brian was really good, but I'm sure Andrew will have more practice by the next go-round!
Nolan decorating cookies:

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