- Whenever Nolan is misbehaving or acting out and we say, "Nolan you are being naughty." He'll say, "I don't want to be naughty!!!!" Or "Nolan, you are not being good." He'll say, "But I WANT to be good!!" ....or "But I WANT TO LISTEN!"
- At Burger King we were asking Abby and Nolan about best friends, which of course they said they were each other's best friend. Then I asked Nolan who he was going to marry and he pointed to Abby. Then we asked Abby if she was going to wear a pretty white dress and she said, "Yeah!" (very excitedly). We asked her what Nolan would wear and I think it was Abby that said a dress. So I said, "No, boys don't wear dresses, not to weddings anyways." And Nolan replied as serious as can be, "But sometimes I do."
- Speaking of dresses, since I'm outing Nolan anyway, we were recently at a friends house who has two girls close to Nolan's age. Ella wanted to play dress up, so course Nolan did, too. So they both went to Ella's room to get some dresses on. I was in the living room with the younger kids and Ella comes out looking all pretty in her dress. I wait for Nolan. Nothing. After a few minutes I begin to worry (did he have accident? What's going on?) So I called out and asked him what he was doing. Nolan doesn't reply, so I say, "Nolan come here!" He comes running around the corner like Will Ferrell in Old School, totally naked!! No shirt, no pants, no underwear, not even socks! I was so grateful at that point I was the only adult there. I said, "Nolan what on earth are you doing? Why are you naked? Where are you clothes?" And he said, "Ella took hers off!!" And I said, "Not her UNDERWEAR!!!" He said, "Oh." So I went and helped him put his manly underwear on so that a pretty blue dress could be worn. I was relieved to hear my friend Staci's boys had just played dress up at Ella's as well!
- Nolan and I were at Wal-Mart and he had just picked out a birthday card that had loads of glitter on it. It got on his shirt and hands and he got so tickled he kept saying, "I have lights on me!" But to the untrained ear of my toddler it sounded like, "Look, I have LICE on me, Mommy! LICE are all over my shirt! LICE are on my hands!!!" Which is why I love that my toddler knows two volumes. Sleeping and yelling.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
February Nolanisms
Friday, February 27, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Roller Playdate

Nolan, Cameron, Abby & Dylan:
Brandon riding a bike. I think this kid needs a Harley:

Thursday, February 19, 2009
There's a phone WHERE?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
More Weekend Getaway Pics

Brian wrestled the camera away from me for a picture. I'll be honest, I don't think this picture does the belly justice, but its probably because I've grown a bit more since then, too. It has seemed like overnight that people (strangers) are asking me when I'm due, even though I haven't fit into my regular pants in months!The boys checking out the view on Sunday morning when we realized it was going to be a GORGEOUS day!
This was the town of Seaside, where The Truman Show was filmed (we didn't learn that until after we visited). The town is really cute, right on the water and has this grassy field in the middle so all the kids could run wild. There's a big stage, I assume they have lots of concerts in the summer. We can't wait to go back, the beaches here are gorgeous too! (on a side note, I should add, that grass this nice, that you can walk around on barefoot is a rarity and luxury around here)

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Sandestin Pictures

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Weekend Getaway

Monday, February 09, 2009
Cheating (kind of)

Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Farewell Party
Saturday night we went to Kypp and Neda's, who were hosting a surprise going away party for the Siglers. I met Katie a couple years ago when she first moved to town, but only briefly and we lost touch. Then last spring she was in a Bible study I was taking and we became buddies again! Her son, Cole, is a few months older than Nolan, so they had a great time getting into trouble playing together. Neda made a gourmet and yummy spread and Katie and Nick were truly surprised! It was a great night and I'm glad they aren't leaving for a few more weeks so we can get to see them a few more times!

Monday, February 02, 2009
Work Dinner