Brian and I have been being harassed asked for some belly pictures by a certain Gramma M. I won't say who, though! :) We took these pictures Thursday, although tomorrow marks a really exciting milestone for us...28 weeks and in the 3rd trimester! We are ecstatic and by "we" I mean the doctors, too! By no means do we want the babies coming anytime soon, but it is a milestone none the less and one that makes me sigh a tiny sigh of relief! At our appointment Thursday both babies looked great. Baby A was measuring 2lbs15oz (69%) and Baby B was measuring 2lbs even (36%). The doctors reminded us that these are two different babies and not to compare them to each other. Even though they are not the same size, they are both measuring wonderfully and as they should. That was a huge relief for me! They were gorgeous and we even got some better heart pictures of B-bear. No change, but we feel better that the diagnosis they gave us is still the same and not worse or something completely different.
I am feeling pretty good overall. I get pretty uncomfortable at night and am up going to the bathroom alot, but I know that's to be expected. The swelling has begun, but doesn't seem near as bad (yet) as when I was pregnant with Nolan. I think because I have my feet up a good amount of the day.
As soon as I stand posed for a belly shot, Nolan is ready to ham it up for the camera! 

LOVE the pics!!! You look gorgeous.. and that belly pic is so adorable!!!
Sam, you look GREAT!
And hey, if there is anything I can do to help, let me know (what is the use of being a pediatrician and neonatologist if I can't help my friends???)
We're thinking of you!
Danielle, Aaron & Jackson
You look great!!
Too cute!
Goody! My little hint worked!!!! The shots are just adorable. Those will have to go in the babies book. I have been wondering about your poor feet that when you were expection Nolan that your feet were even swelling in to the holes on the top of your crocs!!! Many prayers headed your way. Love,Mom and Dad Mc
Awesome pictures, very cute!
You look great!
Love the pictures! Nolan is loving those babies already!
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