This past Saturday Cheyna (and Andrew) put together a WONDERFUL celebration for myself, the twins and Brian and Nolan. Cheyna had the idea to do something relaxed and casual, in hopes that we could convince the guys it wouldn't be the "normal" girls-only shower type activities and games. Just friends getting together, having a good time. I honestly couldn't have asked for a more perfect shower. I LOVED having Brian and Nolan there with me. It's been such a journey to get where we are with these babies and it just felt right having them beside me. And although it was indeed casual, Cheyna and Andrew went all out and put on a fantastic party. It was even more special because many of the people we may not see again before we head to St. Louis. We were totally spoiled and we are so grateful! Thanks to all our friends who came, showered us with gifts and food and love!
There was only one shower game and when the guys heard it was for them, they weren't too happy. But when the discovered the origin of the game, they were good sports and we all had a lot of laughs! The game was who could drink beer out of baby bottles the quickest!

When the kiddos realized the daddy's were drinking out of baby bottles they were laughing hysterically and telling them, "No, those are for babies!!"
Our sweet friends not only showered us with a variety of awesome gifts, but with lots of diapers. Cheyna did a drawing for anyone who brought diapers, so we left with lots of them and considering how many we'll be going through, it was perfect!! Here's a pic of me opening up double trouble sleep-n-plays!

Nolan was not forgotten and even got special presents just for him!
All the kids had a blast running around the yard and playing. This is Lily pushing Abby & Nolan on the trapeze:

The kids didn't really want to stop playing to eat, so we bribed with a picnic! (Lily, Ella, Abby, Nolan & Brycen).And Bucky waits patiently and quietly in the background!
Our beautiful hosts. Not pictured together, but pictured, nonetheless!
The adorable and super yummy cake (can you tell from this picture that Nolan really needed more sugar? )

The only picture we didn't think of taking that day was a picture of the gals together or a picture of Cheyna and I. I can't believe the turn of events the last few months have taken. Finding out Cheyna and Andrew will be moving a year before we all originally thought. Discovering the heart condition of Baby B and the roller coaster of change and emotion that have gone with that. And of course, realizing that saying good-bye is in our near future. I just have to say that God has blessed me so much with this friendship. From the get-go, we've had so much support from
so many people and always Cheyna and Andrew at every turn and every corner. I have cried on Cheyna's shoulders more times than I can count and probably more times than necessary, but she's always been there, ready to listen; always with comfort; always with a way to make me smile. I truly cannot fathom the rest of our time here in FL without them. I know that change is inevitable and that we are so so so lucky to have other friends here, whom we love and cherish! But I would be lying if I didn't say it won't be the same without the lovable and unpredictable and awesome Vrabec's. So...thank you, Cheyna, for making me want to be a better person and for this shower and all that we both know it stands for. I love you dearly and always.
Sam your dress is gorgeous. I love it. Nolan looks darling as well. It amazing how I have started paying attention to toddler boy clothes these days.
As I have read through your blog since you have moved to Flordia I can tell how great of a friend you have found in Cheyna. I am so happy for you, yet know that this is a difficult goodbye. Just like Wyoming and in Flordia you will find more fabulous friends and the best part is wherever Cheyna and family move you have another great place to visit.
I really hope you and Nolan have a safe journey to St.Louis and I will be praying for your family and the twins, especially baby b.
You look awesome!
Ok, next time you need to warn me that I am going to need the tissues! I am so lucky to have found a friend like you, and even luckier that our kids and hubbies get along too! I can't believe you will be leaving in a week, I can only continue to pray for you and your sweet babies while you are gone and trust that someday soon I will be able to meet them in person!
OK - where are my tissues - this was a beautiful post and I'm crying. Hope to see you before you leave! Love you all, Grammy S
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