*Nolan knows he gets rewarded if he gets into his PJs the first time we ask him. He also knows we'll take away his nighttime play time if he doesn't. So his newest thing is to get dressed, and peak his head over the ledge between the kitchen and living room (so we can't see his body) and say, "I'm in big trouble, I didn't listen and my PJ's are not on." The first couple of times he really got us, but now we do the nightly ritual. "WHAT? Oh, Mister, you're in big trouble." At that point he jumps around the corner and says, "JUST KIDDING!" He thinks it's the funniest thing in the whole world.
*While having Thanksgiving leftovers Nolan asked where we got the turkey from. Brian told him "the store" which seemed to confuse him. Apparently up to this point, Nolan thought turkey's only came from the woods since Pa Pa brought one home after "catching" it this past summer. Nolan even got to keep a feather from its tail. I'm sure he was picturing Turkey's walking around in the grocery store and also wondering why he's never seen one there. So as Nolan was eating his turkey, he asked "When we put the turkey together does it walk?" We all had a good laugh, even the babies.
*Nolan and Brian had the following conversation:
N: Is it Christmas yet?
B: No, Christmas isn't here yet.
N: Is it somewhere else at someone's house?
*Nolan was in big trouble one afternoon and after many tactics, I took away his bin of match cars. He got very upset, but I assured him he could earn them back if he was good. He got angrier and said, "Well...Well...you hid them, but I'm a good finder and it doesn't matter, because I'll find them and play with them anyway!" In total frustration I said, "Oh well in that case I gave them to another little boy who is a good listener." So the next day when he had been really good I gave him his cars back and he got kind of sad and told Brian, "Now that other kid is really sad and he doesn't have any cars to play with." Brian had NO idea what he was talking about until I explained.
*Nolan has been learning the song, "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" at school for an upcoming Holiday program. Part of his rendition thus far is, "and be good for Misses Sake. He's writing a list and checking out why..."
*In his nightly prayers he always prays for Taylor Swift, he adores her!