Daniel, because I'm your mommy:
- I get to see those big beautiful eyes every single day. And I get to see them crinkle with laughter multiple times per day.
- I get to watch you look at your brothers and smile in a certain way that only they can get you to smile.
- I get to kiss your head/face many times a day because you are on the move and fearless, so always getting bonked.
- I rejoice that you are a good eater now that you are eating finger foods. A great eater. Every day Daddy and I ask, "Where does he put it?"
- I get to watch you smile and flirt with strangers at restaurants endlessly, the same way your big brother did. You will turn away from us completely and smile/giggle/chat with anyone in the vicinity.
- I am humbled by your ability to do everything your twin brother does, even though you have been faced with challenges. You amaze me!
- I get to throw you into the air just to hear you laugh.
- I get to cuddle you when you are sleepy. Its rare, but you do like to snuggle every once in a while.
- You absolutely love when I dance/sing in the kitchen while I'm making meals.
- I get to see how much you act just like Nolan. But more so, you are the son that reminds me the most of your daddy. I see him in you in every move you make and your attitude is confident and humorous and completely laid back. I'm so, so glad.
Joseph, because I'm your mommy:
- I get to listen to you belly laugh endlessly! You especially love "this little piggy" and pat-a-cake.
- I get to kiss your owies when you fall and crash.
- I get to rock you to sleep when you are teething and nothing can make you feel better, but cuddling doesn't hurt.
- I already have to try to teach you that taking toys from Daniel, especially when you have two in your hand, is not okay.
- I get daily snuggles from you, wonderful perfect hugs and pats on the back.
- I get to comfort you when you get scared, which seems to be often. Vacuum's, Nolan and daddy being wild, loud crashes...all of it sends you into hysteria.
- I get to kiss those chubby cheeks daily!!!
- I get to watch you and Daniel grab each others hands and hold onto them. I also get to watch you in your double stroller eat Daniel's toes. You both are very amused by this.
- I think sometimes I am able to enjoy you more easily because I don't have the worry with you that I had (for different reasons) with your brothers. I am more relaxed with you, for better or worse, fair or unfair.
And my Nolan, because I'm your mommy:
- I say at least 10 times a day, "Please stop arguing with me." You now start arguing a point, then put your hands up and say, "okay mom, I won't argue. I almost did, but I stopped."
- Like last year, every night, I still sing you the "pancake" song and scratch your back.
- We get to have movie night and snuggle up on the couch watching a flick and chowing down on popcorn.
- You have asked me to marry you and insist that I am the girl you will marry when you grow up.
- I get to watch you make your brothers laugh.
- I get to listen to your belly laugh.
- I get to dry your tears when something or someone hurts your feelings.
- I get to be the one whose hand you squeeze when Daddy puts the "burning" medicine on your scrapes. And afterwards I get to give you a popsicle.
- I get to hear you sing songs you learned at school.
- I get to watch you process things and then verbalize them way better than I think you should be able to. You are so intelligent and equally, if not more so, creative. And I get to witness it each and every day.
Well boys, I wish I wasn't so tired and that I could think of more to write, or at least to write more eloquently. I am typing this in the dark while the younger of you two sleep in the same room of our hotel. In the next room sleeps the oldest. Tomorrow we move to our new house and onto more adventures. I'm thrilled that we get to experience this all together and not a day goes by that I don't realize what a miracle and blessing each of you are. I love you to pieces and forever.
Love, Mommy

Okay as soon as I pulled this up at work when had a little free time knew I shouldn't even start reading it as I knew the tears would come. The boys will appreciate this when they get older. Am dying to see all of you!!!!!! Love, love, love!!!!!
Beautiful as always! You are one fantastic Mamma!!!
*sniff sniff* Happy Mamas Day!
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