Okay, so we lived in Florida for four years. Contrary to popular belief it DID get cold there. But it only snowed once (and that was the first time in 17 years, so it is indeed rare). Usually, though, in between cold days would be random warm days and winters that included grilling out and Christmases spent outside. But lets not forget that before Florida we lived in Wyoming, where most autumns found it snowing by September and every single Halloween we lived there it snowed. I expected Boston to be similar to Wyoming, so by December when we still hadn't had any significant snow I was quite frankly frustrated. I had promised the boys sledding and snow angels. Hot cocoa with marshmellows that always tastes good...but tastes the best after playing in the snow. And then, Christmas arrived with the threat of a storm the following day. And after that...the snow didn't stop!!! So far, this winter, we are at 68 inches of snow. It was the third snowiest January ever. Nolan's had 5 snow days and one delayed start. The base has had 4 snow days, with one delayed start.

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