- Instead of "instructions" Nolan says, "Re-structions."
- Nolan was shocked one morning when he saw me putting on deodorant. He screamed, "But you don't have hair under your arms!!!" (Daddy told him he couldn't put deoderant under his arms until he had hair, but he always lets him pretend to put deoderant on with the cap on).
- We were tying to get Nolan to repeat something we were saying. Brian said, "Say it out loud." Nolan screamed it at the top of his lungs. "You said to say it loud..."
- Nolan calls his bookshelf a "book dresser." Which in all fairness is very accurate...there are drawers on the bottom for clothes and a hutch/booksheld on top.
- Joseph started choking one night at dinner (and was totally fine), but after the fact Nolan said, "Poor Joseph, his throat is too small." It took us a second to realize he meant, the food was too big, so J's throat must be too small....
- When I was having a chat about being nice to some of his friends after a disagreement, he said, "Well, they were being mean and I had to stop them." We had a longer talk....
- Nolan felt bad for laughing at Joseph & Daniel when they were being naughty, so he apologized (on his own accord) and then said, "Sometimes God just shoots a laugh in me."
- Nostrils are called "Nose Holes."
- Nolan got whoppers for Easter and asked, "Why are they called whoppers, does it jump up and whop you in the face?"
Joseph & Daniel:
- Their language is taking off!!! They are saying lots of words and even putting two words together...it almost seems overnight.
- The twins will repeat whatever Nolan says, which is great speech practise. Nolan's favorite words to teach them are: eyeball, booger, chickenbutt, duck cheese, etc....
- If I am present, J will NOT let Brian do simple things. It has to be me. For example, if he can't reach his milk, he'll say "Mik!" Brian will hand it to him. Joseph FREAKS OUT! "No!! Momma! Momma! Momma!" We are working on it, but as you can imagine, it takes a toll, its so hard to not get involved when you know its an easy fix.
- D will not stay out of the fridge. He likes to explore and recently the water pitcher fell and got him soaked. Luckily he was not hurt.
- J will not stay away from the DVD player. He opens it, takes out a DVD and puts a new one in, then gets frustrated the movie won't start...see, its not a generation thing, DVDs, VCRs, they will always be tricky!!
- They scream "Da-Da!" to anyone in uniform.
- These boys are ready for outdoor weather...they want to spend 24/7 outside and when we do bring them inside they have the most awful meltdowns I've ever seen!

John David does the exact same thing, if he asks for something and I'M not the one who does it! Ainsley never did that, I'm so confused! LOVE the Nolan-ism:)
These are hilarious!!!!! Can't wait to see all of you in June. I'm sure PawPaw will teach them many new words.LOL Love Nolan's "shoot a laugh in me"
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