Tuesday, September 04, 2012

First Grade

Dear Nolan,
Well, here we are again. This summer really flew by. I was so excited to have you home, all to myself (and your brothers), so we could do what we wanted, when we wanted. We had a lot of fun, but somehow I blinked and the summer dissappeared. By the last week of summer break it became EXTREMELY evident to both your Daddy and I that you were ready to go back to school. You and your brothers were so tired of each other. So, I was rather looking forward to Tuesday morning and the new adventure you would be starting. I thought with your brothers getting ready to start preschool, I would have no issues kissing you goodbye. But then, as we stood there, and I watched you bravely walk up to friends (new and old) and chat and laugh, full of delight and all smiles, I realized how much I was going to miss you. Last year, you were a bit on the timid side. Not today. Nope, you were ready to go and you were so excited, that I as always, I was full of pride. And amazement. How did you go from a little boy of barely three, who ran into preschool, to a big kid, entering first grade? Its going to fast, little man. I am so excited to share this next year with you and see how you are going wow us all. I love you, Nolan. Slow down a bit and remember to snuggle your old mom. XOXO, Mommy

Nolan's first day of school was also the twins Meet and Greet at preschool (more on that later). Our dear friend and one of Nolan's FAVORITE ladies in the world, Miss Kristy, made the shirts for the boys!

When they aren't wrestling each other, these boys are best buds. Max and Nolan!
 Nolan's teacher, Mrs. Sullivan.

1 comment:

Mom Mc said...

I always felt the way when summer came. I loved to have the boys home so we could do all kinds of fun things together but when school started they were ready. Maybe not so much them. lol Love those smiling faces !!!!!!