This past week Rowdy and Sally Yates came in town for a visit. It's so strange that they 've already been gone since May, living in Boston. They are loving it there and we can't wait to visit. There are 3 Thai restaurants within walking distance...I am so there!
Here's some photos from their stay:
Sally & Jamie Hug!
Jamie, myself, and Sal after a yummy dinner courtesy of the Malone's:
Rowdy & Brian, drinking a brew, just like their Sig Nu days:

Great seeing rowdy and Sally on the site. Really missed seeing them when we were there in July. Why are all those strange comments doing on your blog??? I thought this is for family and friends of yours to keep in touch. Great to see Kim and you together belly to belly! Keep up the great info and pictures. We love it. Madeline loved the pictures of the doggies.
Missed seeing you too Mom MC. Hopefully when the baby arrives!
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