Sunday, October 30, 2005
Not Really Fair...
That Brian was prettier than me Friday. We went to a Halloween party and couldn't decide waht to be. All the costumes were either too expensive or too much money to make. We finally came to a decision. Sure, I didn't look so sexy, but I sure laughed alot. I am sure you will, too. Let us know what you think of our costumes!

Friday Fun
My last day of work at the college was Friday. It was pretty tough to leave. I was surprised with a lunch at the Snake River Pub by my co-workers. Brian was in on it (this guy can REALLY keep a secret). He came to work to take me to lunch, but when we got to the restaurant, there was a room full of my awesome co-workers (from the past and the present). I am SO lucky! We had a great time. Shortly after lunch, while I was cleaning my desk, my boss told me to "go away!" Meaning I didn't have to work a full day. What a guy! I am so sad to leave the best job I have ever had, but I am SO excited about my new adventure as a stay at home mom (SAHM).
Thank you TONS to Brian and my co-workers for making my last day so special.
Monday, October 24, 2005
What a Guy
I came back from a meeting today to discover a surprise from my hubby. He sent me this beautiful fall arrangement, knowing that these were my favorite colors, since this is my last week of work. I am so lucky! I can't wait to give him a big smackeroo!

This past Friday I went to the post office to pick up a few packages that had been delivered. Since Brian was at work, I told him I would wait for him to come home before we opened them. I spent the evening with Kim and Avery, who is growing and just so cute! She is colicky, so it's been tough on Kim & Matt, but they are doing great!
Anyway, when I got home that night, I realized I had another package in the mailbox, and it was from Andi. It felt sort of like a CD. When I got Brian on the phone he told me to open it. It was a DVD, and on the front there was a picture of these beautifully decorated cupcakes that read, "Tiny Toes." Each cupcake had a letter on it and then there were other cupcakes with little feet on them!! I opened the case, and found an invitation that let me know there had been a surprise video shower given by Andi at her house on October 8th with my girlfriends (and my mom!) in St. Louis. I immediately teared up and was so touched. The invitation had the matching "Tiny Toes" theme and is so adorable. Brian (who has known all along, the little sneak), informed me that two of the packages were from the shower Andi had thrown!!
Unfortunately, I can only get through half of the DVD on our player. I have tried it on my computer, and it too, is being stubborn. Brian and I are going to find someone with a new(er) DVD player and we're sure it'll work. We feel badly that we can't see the whole thing, but from what we saw, the party looked like a blast and I just can't express my gratitude enough! Sorry to those who attended that thought the packages were lost in the mail. Nope, they were at the post office and between our schedules, it took Brian and I a couple tries to actually pick the packages up. Thank you all so much for your kindness and generosity, we are so touched. Everything is just precious!
The third package was from Beth Orwick and her mother in law made a BEAUTIFUL little sweater for the baby. It's so cool...it zips in the back, all the way up and has a hood. Then in the front there is a space for the baby's head. It's so perfect for the COLD Wyoming weather and we can't wait to see Jeb wearing it!
Thank you all so so so so much!!! I will be calling you soon, again, we are so very blessed and so grateful.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Farewell Busch Stadium
"...It's not about the concrete doughnut itself, or the grass or the seats. It's not about the unique structure, even if it's a circular image that will burn in many a baseball fan's eye for years to come.
It's about the people. It's about Bob Gibson. It's about Lou Brock. It's about Ozzie Smith. It's about Darryl Kile. It's about Tony La Russa. It's about Albert Pujols. It's about Jack Buck.
It's about the memories. And, be it as it may, Thursday night was another memory to put in the Busch Stadium scrapbook, the final entry.
But there are many more memories to be created for this proud franchise, and they will be created just a matter of yards away at the new yard next door. It'll be different, yet it'll be the same.
Busch Stadium is gone.
Long live Busch Stadium. "
John Schlegel

Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Last Weekend
Last weekend flew by, we were busy bee's! Friday night we went to the club (on base). There was a big to-do because there is a new General here. We found out while we were there that this was the weekend that two friends who used to be stationed here were visiting from Alabama. We went to dinner with the two of them and a group of other friends at Sanford's Pub. Then we ventured to the Albany, a bar downtown. We couldn't stay too long because the smoke was SO thick and I was getting sick. But it was nice to be out.
Saturday we attended Tanner's 3rd Birthday party. It was a dinasaur theme and SO COOL! We had fun, but Tanner had the best time. He wanted to play with every single toy he opened RIGHT THEN and probably would have been a tough little man to argue with if there weren't more presents to persuade him with.
Saturday evening we went to a going away party for two guys that are getting stationed elsewhere and leaving this month. The party was at our friends house, Liz and Mark Keller. Their house is GORGEOUS and they throw a great bash. People were getting pretty wild, playing a game called "Flip a Cup" where, from what I gather, you have to chug beer from your cup, turn it over, then flip it so that it stands up right. Two teams play one another and let's just say the keg ran out quickly!
Here are some pictures of our fun! There's Tanner & buddies at his party, eating hot dogs and cake. Next is a picture of folks involved in a passionate game of "flip-a-cup." Next is a picture of the girls, and lastly there is a 35 week belly shot of me!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
Are the Cards Doomed?
Sunday's are usually laid back and light hearted in the McMenamy household. We go to church, then usually the commissary for our shopping, then we return home for our designated weekly nap with the dogs. Then we usually grill out or bake something a little extra special and enjoy a slow(er) paced meal together. Then we cozy up on the couch to watch Desperate Housewives.
Yesterday began like any other Sunday, but when we awoke from our nap we discovered the Cardinal's game was ACTUALLY on! The past few games have not been, because ESPN seems to favor the White Sox. So we were hopeful and excited. But any St. Louis Cardinal's fan knows where this is going...our afternoon went downhill. The game was so frustrating to watch. It really could have gone either way, but the salt in the wound was watching the injustice of our team manager, and shortly after Jim Edmonds, getting thrown out of the game by my now arch enemy Phil Cuzzi. This man, in my humble opinion, does not need to be an umpire for the Major Leagues. He is someone who obviously has some personal issues and a hidden agenda. This isn't the first time he has acted irrationally, check out this story: http://www.sportsnet.ca/mlb/columnist.jsp?content=20030923_164601_4960
Anyway, despite those hiccups, we continued to watch, me with a worried, tense frown on my face and Brian literally rallying the troops. He put on his Cardinal t-shirt and visor and began cheering and getting the dogs and jumping around and "cheering" (aka barking) for the Cardinals. It was catching (pardon the pun), so we were all so excited. One out and a man on first and third. When the ball was hit, we thought we had a run. Brian started cheering like a crazed mad man, and then...THEN. Oh I can hardly finish, it makes me so sad. The double play that, had I seen against any other team but our Cards, I would think was just gorgeous. Okay,let's face it...it was a damn good play. But it won the third game in a row for the Astros. I had to leave the room and when I did I managed to upset the poor doggies and Brian was worried I was going to put myself into labor. So...shall I watch tonight? We'll see.
Come on Cards, lets win this. In spite of and TO SPITE that Phil Cuzzi. For all the world who cheered for the Red Sox last year, let us win. For all the kids and the adults who have loved you since before we learned to walk. And to take us back, again, to our beloved Busch Stadium. Please. Let's WIN this series. It starts with the victory we all know you can win tonight. Let's kill those stupid bees and hush their annoying buzzing once and for all.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
What an Amazing Weekend
Wow! Where do I begin? I guess I should first say that I feel like the luckiest person in the world. I have a great husband, two adorable dogs that bring us joy day after day, family that love us and wonderful friends, that many time blur the line between family and friendship, they are that good to us. We are truly TRULY blessed!
My weekend plans were exciting, but not as nearly as exciting as I realized. Sunday my two good friends and co-workers, Sara and Amanda, were throwing me a baby shower. They are the two women who I traveled with to Baltimore (2002) and Seattle (2003) for conferences, among other things.
Saturday Brian had to work until 1 or 2, and my friend Beth had invited me out for dessert (my favorite thing) so that we could talk about some maternity photos she is taking of my belly and of Brian and I (Beth is very talented with a camera and is doing us a huge honor by taking these pictures). Anyway, Beth came over and snapped some pictures of the nursery and we were on our way, myself with a folder full of picture ideas. We pulled up to Lexie's, a place with great dessert and Beth asked if I would mind is she ran in next door to the Nagel Warren Mansion, a beautfiul B&B (http://www.naglewarrenmansion.com/index.html) in downtown Cheyenne. Beth told me she had to grab something for the Warren Spouse's Club, which just made me think, "this girl never takes a break, she is always working!" Anyway, we walked into the Mansion and Beth sort of ushered me into one of the big rooms and before I could put two and two together, I was in a room full of friends and they were saying "Surprise!" I almost fell over. I think I turned a few shades of red and can't really recall what I said, but I remember giggling a lot. Five of my friends (Tammi, Kim, Keelee, Julie & Beth) had planned a surprise baby shower! I thought they were all going to be at Sara's the next day, but instead they wanted to catch me off guard (which they certainly did)!
The party was in a beautiful room, set up for a tea party. We had "high tea" which included some wonderful tea and delicious finger foods. It was all so exquisite!! I promise to post pictures when I get them, but I didn't have my camera, for obvious reasons! :) Thank you to my wonderful friends, I am truly so humbled and grateful for your friendship.
Here is a picture of the Nagel Warren Mansion:
And my weekend wasn't over! Sunday afternoon I went to Sara Fleenor's, where she and Amanda Hubbard put on a beautiful shower for Baby and I. The afternoon was absolutely wonderful and everything, from the favors to the games, to the cake, was beautiful! I feel absolutely spoiled and again, so humbled to have people who care for us so much. I DO have some pictures of Sunday's shower. The cake was made my Sara herself...we know another hidden talent! Thank you Sara and Amanda, and to all my friends and co-workers for "showering" us with such generosity and kindness!

Friday, October 07, 2005
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Let There Be (NO) Light
One thing Brian and I didn't notice until we actually bought our home was that the streetlight in front of our house shines right into our bedroom. We have always talked about how we need to get darker curtains, but over time, we just became used to it. However, with baby on the way, who will be sleeping in the bassinet in our room for the first little while, we decided we needed it to be dark in the room. So this weekend we broke down and bought curtains. We love them and only wish we would have done it sooner. They are trendy AND practical! Now we just need to get darker curtains for our guest room...

Monday, October 03, 2005
We're Getting Ready
This weekend went by WAY too quickly for Brian and I. It was absolutely gorgeous outside, but Saturday we were inside most of the day attending our Child Birthing class. Overall, we were pretty impressed with the class and happy we attended. They did make us watch some birthing videos, which really scared me, but they weren't as bad as we expected. And the best part was that with all three scenarios, when the doctors handed that baby to the mom, I couldn't help but crying. It was beautiful.
Saturday night we went to one of our favorite restaurants, Little Bear Inn. We're not so sure its our favorite anymore, as it's under new ownership and the menu was slightly different and overall we just weren't impressed like we usually are. Maybe it was just an off night, though.
Sunday Brian put together the baby's bassinet (compliments of Mom & Dad Ley!). He did a great job and it is so cute. I can't wait to see our little guy in there. Tootsie and Haley were very curious so we let them help Brian with the set up and then investigate until they decided it was safe :)
Here are some pics:

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