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Wow! Where do I begin? I guess I should first say that I feel like the luckiest person in the world. I have a great husband, two adorable dogs that bring us joy day after day, family that love us and wonderful friends, that many time blur the line between family and friendship, they are that good to us. We are truly TRULY blessed!
My weekend plans were exciting, but not as nearly as exciting as I realized. Sunday my two good friends and co-workers, Sara and Amanda, were throwing me a baby shower. They are the two women who I traveled with to Baltimore (2002) and Seattle (2003) for conferences, among other things.
Saturday Brian had to work until 1 or 2, and my friend Beth had invited me out for dessert (my favorite thing) so that we could talk about some maternity photos she is taking of my belly and of Brian and I (Beth is very talented with a camera and is doing us a huge honor by taking these pictures). Anyway, Beth came over and snapped some pictures of the nursery and we were on our way, myself with a folder full of picture ideas. We pulled up to Lexie's, a place with great dessert and Beth asked if I would mind is she ran in next door to the Nagel Warren Mansion, a beautfiul B&B ( in downtown Cheyenne. Beth told me she had to grab something for the Warren Spouse's Club, which just made me think, "this girl never takes a break, she is always working!" Anyway, we walked into the Mansion and Beth sort of ushered me into one of the big rooms and before I could put two and two together, I was in a room full of friends and they were saying "Surprise!" I almost fell over. I think I turned a few shades of red and can't really recall what I said, but I remember giggling a lot. Five of my friends (Tammi, Kim, Keelee, Julie & Beth) had planned a surprise baby shower! I thought they were all going to be at Sara's the next day, but instead they wanted to catch me off guard (which they certainly did)!
The party was in a beautiful room, set up for a tea party. We had "high tea" which included some wonderful tea and delicious finger foods. It was all so exquisite!! I promise to post pictures when I get them, but I didn't have my camera, for obvious reasons! :) Thank you to my wonderful friends, I am truly so humbled and grateful for your friendship.
Here is a picture of the Nagel Warren Mansion:
And my weekend wasn't over! Sunday afternoon I went to Sara Fleenor's, where she and Amanda Hubbard put on a beautiful shower for Baby and I. The afternoon was absolutely wonderful and everything, from the favors to the games, to the cake, was beautiful! I feel absolutely spoiled and again, so humbled to have people who care for us so much. I DO have some pictures of Sunday's shower. The cake was made my Sara herself...we know another hidden talent! Thank you Sara and Amanda, and to all my friends and co-workers for "showering" us with such generosity and kindness!

I can't wait to meet little baby McMenamy or aka Taylor!
TAYLOR? Who's TAYLOR???????? Is that going to be our new grandsons name? I LOVE IT! I have a nephew who has Taylor for his midle name. It was his Grandfathers family name and Aunt Mickey named him Andrew Taylor.
I should have said cousin instead of nephew. OK, I expected some feedback by today. Fess up.
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