Thursday, January 26, 2006

Quick Update

Nolan is down for a nap, but I need to get him up here very shortly to feed, so I can't write as much as I would like. I had an awesome weekend last week. Friday Amanda & Ron had the three of us over for dinner and it was YUMMY! We had such a blast catching up and we even played the 20 Questions game. Amanda and Ron outsmarted it more than once :) Saturday morning Nolan and I rose early and...hopped a flight to St. Louis (with a ticket purchased the evening before on a whim). We surprised my parents for their 40th Anniversary Surprise party/Aunt Jeanne's 60th birthday (surprise) No one in my family knew I was coming, so everyone was fairly shocked. Jack and Tish planned the party and it was super! Brian's parents picked us up from the airport and took care of us well. Nolan did great on his first flight(s) and his mom did okay, too! I am attaching some pics below. I sincerely wish we could have seen more people while we were in town, but we left on Monday bright and early. We'll be in town in May for sure en route to Florida! Wed was Nolan's doctors appointment and it was a stressful appointment to say the least. Our little man isn't gaining the weight he should so the doctors are having me give him formula after I breastfeed him. It's scary and sad, but Nolan is doing GREAT and we are confident he'll put on the pounds he needs to. In the meantime I am meeting with a lactation counselor, to see what's going on with my milk supply. We love and miss everyone!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Happy 40th Anniversary Mom & Dad!

Sorry this is two days late...refer to previous post for adequate excuse! We love you and are so happy for the two of you!

Special Delivery!

Okay, well Tootsie wasn't actually delivered, but she is a camera hog and wanted to be in the picture so badly, I included her. Yesterday I had to go to the ER because Flight Medicine (AKA, the doctor's on base) were closed due to MLK day. I was having flu like symptoms, very icky and I was dehydrated, but couldn't keep much down. Kim was SO sweet and came and picked Nolan and I up and went with me. They hooked me up to an IV to get the fluids in me quickly and gave me some anti-nausea medication and sent me on my way. Apparetnly there is a bug going around. The staff at the hospital were AWESOME. Can you believe we didn't have to wait AT ALL? Anyway, when we got back home, there was a flower delivery notice. Brian had sent me flowers as a "Happy Inspection" (aka, "I won't see you much this week, love you oddles."), but since I had such an icky day they were even more special. To top it off, after Brian got off work he went to the store and bought soup, gaterade, jello and popsicles to make sure I stayed hydrated. Today I am feeling MUCH MUCH MUCH better, thank goodness!!

Memoirs of a Geisha

This weekend was the meeting for the book club I am involved with. This month's book was Memoirs of a Geisha. We decided to "spice" up the meeting and meet in Loveland at the restaurant PF Changs (a restaurant I had never been to). Then we were going to see the movie Memoirs of a Geisha since it's in theatre's now. Since Brian had to work, I was planning on taking Nolan to lunch with me at PF Changs and then probably coming home. I went back and forth on whether to take him into the movie with me. Anyway, Brian called me from work Sat morning to say he could stay with Nolan after all! Yipee! So I got a day out with the girls. It was a blast, but I kept thinking I forgot something (or someone)! PF Changs was SO SO SO yummy! I can't wait to go back with Brian. The movie wasn't bad, but the book was (of course) much MUCH better. I did like how I was able to see some of the different cultural things on screen that I didn't fully grasp just by reading the book. It really does give me a desire to visit Japan.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

What we've been up to...

As you can see from our last post, it's a VERY exciting time for us. Nolan is becoming so his toys, to people and even to the dogs. His eyes tell such a story and it's so fun to "see" the world through his eyes! Let's see...last weekend I went to lunch with Kim and Tammi (and Evan and NOlan) at the Plains. It was yummy, but we were there almost 2 hours! Oh well, it was fun to chat and hang out. Brian went out with the guys Friday night for some much needed "blow off some steam" time with the fella's he works with. He was very amusing when he got home (late) that night (although I didn't think it was so amusing at the time). I look forward to my night out with the girls in the near future. Maybe when Kim comes at the end of this month or when Meghan comes in Feb? Hee hee! Anyway Saturday the weather was FINALLY nice enough for us to take a walk with the stroller. Then that evening we went to Outback with Julie, Bryan, Kim, Matt, Avery, Tim, Tammi, Tanner, Evan and Keelee. We think next time we'll just reserve the entire restaurant! When we got home that night I had a scary fall down the stairs. Luckily Brian had Nolan. I hurt myself more trying to catch myself, but I was pretty bruised and scratched up. Sunday we hung out and Brian made another new recipe from Rachael Ray's book...meatballs! Oh so good! Monday I went to Julie's for a girls night to watch the priemier of "The Bachelor." Some of the girls on that show are too much. The rest of the week we've just beend hanging out. Brian's squadron is preparing for an inspection next week, so he's working longer hours, which are nothing compared ot what they'll be like next week. Last night I tried a new recipe for Teriyaki burgers. Oh my goodness, so easy and VERY tasty (if I do say so myself). I even used turkey so they were healthy! Also, last night Nolan (almost) slept through the night. Brian got up to change him once, but other than that, he slept from 11:30 until 6:30!! It was so awesome! Okay, well I am including some pictures from the last week of us (and of course, mostly Nolan)!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Caught on Film at last!

Nolan has been smiling for a couple weeks now and more frequently each day. Today I was able to finally catch a few on film. It's amazing how fast my heart melts when I see him flash one of these at me. He is more and more observant and responsive as the days go on!! :)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Awesome Gift

Brian and I recieved one of the coolest gifts from Tammi Hall. It's a picture frame, holding 3 pictures. There's a pic of Tammi, Kim & I when we were all three pregnant, a picture of our husbands (posed the same way) and of course a picture of our babies now. I'm posting a picture of the pictures. Hopefully it will turn out! :)

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year!

And another year is under our belts. Happy 2006 everyone! We had a lovely time ringing in the New Year. We had some friends over for some game playing, food eating and even some beverage drinking (girls night!)! Kari Stewart and her two little ones (Landry and Jack), Matt, Kim & Avery, Beth & Sam, Julie, Bryan& Hudson and Lindsay were all part of the fun. There was way too much good food and we played Taboo...the guys took a terrible beating from the ladies. Later we played Blurt and Lindsay left us all in the dust. We also played the freakiest game that Brian and I bought recently, called 20 Questions. It's this computer monster that asks 20 questions and guesses what you are's pretty crazy how often it's right! I'll include a picture of what it guessed (and yes, it was right) at one point in the (later) night. New Year's Day Brian, Nolan and I relaxed all day and Brian made me dinner from our new Rachel Ray cookbook! Awesome!!