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As you can see from our last post, it's a VERY exciting time for us. Nolan is becoming so his toys, to people and even to the dogs. His eyes tell such a story and it's so fun to "see" the world through his eyes!
Let's see...last weekend I went to lunch with Kim and Tammi (and Evan and NOlan) at the Plains. It was yummy, but we were there almost 2 hours! Oh well, it was fun to chat and hang out. Brian went out with the guys Friday night for some much needed "blow off some steam" time with the fella's he works with. He was very amusing when he got home (late) that night (although I didn't think it was so amusing at the time). I look forward to my night out with the girls in the near future. Maybe when Kim comes at the end of this month or when Meghan comes in Feb? Hee hee! Anyway Saturday the weather was FINALLY nice enough for us to take a walk with the stroller. Then that evening we went to Outback with Julie, Bryan, Kim, Matt, Avery, Tim, Tammi, Tanner, Evan and Keelee. We think next time we'll just reserve the entire restaurant! When we got home that night I had a scary fall down the stairs. Luckily Brian had Nolan. I hurt myself more trying to catch myself, but I was pretty bruised and scratched up.
Sunday we hung out and Brian made another new recipe from Rachael Ray's book...meatballs! Oh so good!
Monday I went to Julie's for a girls night to watch the priemier of "The Bachelor." Some of the girls on that show are too much.
The rest of the week we've just beend hanging out. Brian's squadron is preparing for an inspection next week, so he's working longer hours, which are nothing compared ot what they'll be like next week. Last night I tried a new recipe for Teriyaki burgers. Oh my goodness, so easy and VERY tasty (if I do say so myself). I even used turkey so they were healthy!
Also, last night Nolan (almost) slept through the night. Brian got up to change him once, but other than that, he slept from 11:30 until 6:30!! It was so awesome!
Okay, well I am including some pictures from the last week of us (and of course, mostly Nolan)!
What a cutie!!! (You and the kid!) Hee Hee...
Just love Nolan's facial expressions!!!
I might just have to get that Rachel Ray cookbook! SOUNDS YUMMY!
Be careful going down the stairs! I swear, carpet is dangerous. I've bit it a few times myself in our place. UGH!
You are all cuties in our eyes! Nolan looks so inquisitive ! Glad you didn't hurt yourself Sam. We are really looking forward to coming out in Feb. Thanks Brian for setting up billeting for us. Sounds really like a little apartment from what Dad said.
What a cutie!!!!
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