Friday, February 17, 2006

-1 Degrees

That's how "warm" it is today! Winter is officially here. We had a good amount of snow this week...I think I read about 9 1/2 inches in the Cheyenne area. On the same day we were getting hammered with snow, I heard it was 60 in Florida!


momto2boys said...

Are you trying to make us jealous or what????

Well at least you got your snow right? :)

Mom Mc said...

Wow what a lot of snow! The day before we got a hail storm. In some ares it was so much that it covered the ground l and looked like it had actually snowed. Kurt said where he was installing flooring that car windows were being knocked out as well as the apartment windows in the complex. Can,t hardly wait till this
Sat when we will be in sunny Puerto Vallarta with 88 degree weather.