Friday evening Brian and I attended the WSC (Warren Spouses Club) basket auction. The whole affair was planned by our friend Beth and it was such a good time. It was a semi-formal dinner (themed Winter Wonderland, which was ironic since the weather was in the negative digits and there was snow on the ground). Groups on base and in the community donated these awesome baskets and desserts. After dinner a professional auctioneer auctioned off the baskets and desserts. All the proceeds go towards the scholarship fund that are awarded to military dependants. It got fairly competitive, but we didn't get anything. Our table did win a chocolate cake!! Well, we PURCHASED a chocolate cake! It was very yummy! Nolan had his first babysitter! The event did offer child care, but since it was his first night, we figured we would leave him home. Otherwise, I would have been checking on the little man nonstop! I only left one note for the babysitter (okay, front and back). But Tammi can vouch, I didn't call home once and he did great! Here's how the night began. It was so stinkin' cold, the window froze shut and Bri had to WALK thru the ATM!
I am a momma and a wife. I stay at home raising our three little guys.
Although I always saw myself as having lots of little girls in dresses and curls, I relish and feel super blessed to be the mommy to all boys.
No day is like the next and my ability to control situations is long gone. This blog is my life scrapbook!
Nolan is our favorite man-child. He's the hilarious teenager who loves to pull pranks, but gets the most pleasure out of pranking the same woman who birthed him.
Joseph is a creative, smart, huggable boy who is the unofficial middle kid. He loves telling his Momma she's beautiful on a daily basis.
Danny isn't really the youngest, but somehow we all think of him as the youngest. He's faced his share of medical trials, but refuses to let that get him down and charges forward with a smile on his face.
Brian is my husband of 17 years. He won me over by making me late night egg and cheese sandwiches. He still makes me swoon by making me late night snacks when we watch TV after the kids are in bed.
Every one looks fantastic! Who's the little smiling guy in the bottom pic?
That's Julie & Bryan's son Hudson! I tried to put captions on the pics, but it messes it all up for some reason. Isn't he a doll?
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