Because we have two of the greatest guys in the world, Brian and Andrew decided to cook Cheyna and I a fabulous meal in honor of Valentine's Day. We all figured we could eat a wonderful meal at home for a fraction of the cost of going out to dinner, plus we wouldn't have to pay babysitters! Cheyna and I would have been content with a casserole and some wine, but the boys had other ideas. They went ALL OUT!!! Friday they went grocery shopping together. Oh, what I would give for a picture of that! Saturday Brian left before me to go to their place and the guys started cooking around 4 pm. We ate a little after 8, after the kiddos went to bed. They were cooking for 4 hours!! But, oh my word, it was worth every single delicious bite. I felt like I was on the Food Network channel, in the Andrew/Brian kitchen. Or the Brian/Andrew kitchen. Or...the Brandrew KITCHEN! Ha ha, anyway, it was exquisite and we all had a fantastic time!
1st Course. Appetizer: Mediterranean bruchetta served on warm ciabatta bread.
2nd Course.Salad: Pasta House salad!! Yep, they made it from scratch. Andrew wasn't sure I would know what it was since they had never heard of the Pasta House. But one bite and I KNEW. Oh mercy me! It was so divine.
3rd Course. Main meal: Filet mignon topped with bacon, mushrooms and gouda cheese on top all wrapped in a puff pastry , risotto stuffed tomatoes, and asparagus.
4th Course. Dessert. Chocolate covered strawberries, coffee flavored brulee and champagne with strawberries floating in the glasses. WOW!
I felt spoiled and like I said, it was wonderful and a ton of fun. After dinner we sat around and chatted, went outside by the fire for a bit and just relaxed. Thanks Cheyna and Andrew for having it at your place and letting us dirty all of your dishes! And a heartfelt thanks to our hubbies, you made us feel so special, appreciated and loved. You guys are the best!
The gourmet chefs:

Look at that chopping work!

Abby & Nolan had their own romantic dinner of chicken nuggets and corn on the cob. YUM! We should have caught on that Nolan was pretty sick when he wouldn't touch the corn (he's okay now, but we had a scary couple of days battling the croup and I am praying Abby doesn't get it!).

The guys didn't want us "peeking" in the kitchen, but we couldn't help coming in every once in a while to say hi!

The ambiance:

The main course:

This was one of the best red wines I have tasted in a looong time. Paired with the steak there was quite frankly a party in my mouth.

Aren't they sweet? I kept trying to take a picture where it focused on the candle, with them slightly blurred in the background. I have to figure that camera function out.