Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Black and Blue. And purple.

Okay, it's not that bad, but I just have to tell you about Nolan and I's collision. This happened a week ago Thursday. We were being silly and playing when all of a sudden we bonked heads. HARD! We both got hit right above the eye, about eyebrow level. It was blinding pain for me, and I'm not sure it was quite as painful for Nolan. Or maybe he's just much tougher than me, because he was just more upset at the idea that he got a bonk from me. Once he realized it was an accident and I was hurt, too, he was over it. But we put ice on both of them anyway, since there were little bumps growing on both of our faces. Well Nolan's was gone by that evening, and mine had subsided, as well. But the next day I had a black eye!!! Brian assured me it would be gone within a couple days.However, I still have a small purple mark over a week later! The black eye traveled from one side of my eye to the other side. I look like I don't know how to put eyeshadow on, it's pretty amusing. I know you want a picture, but don't think for one second I'm posting a picture of myself without makeup (and that's the only way to really see it), because I won't do it. You would all be scared off for life and I love you too much for that!

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