My handsome fellas:
Me with my #1 greatest accomplishment in my life!!!
My handsome fellas:
Me with my #1 greatest accomplishment in my life!!!
Okay, Daddy's in the pool, JUMP!It was a battle getting Nolan out of the pool...
Nolan in the splash pad.
"Here Ducks! Here's some bread!!"
Giving Daddy a smooch:
We got lunch at Sonic and went to a different park, one that's close to our house we found on the local parks website. It really shouldn't be coined a park. They said there was a lake and picnic tables. There was a pond...that was pretty icky and ONE picnic table. But we had fun anyway! Brian loves adventure!!!
That's the "lake" behind me.
Abby's pleading with him to put some pants on before the neighbors see.
The Vrabec fam:
Abby & Nolan running outside after brunch: Too bad this shot is blurry!
After Nolan's nap we headed over to Tara and Rob's for some dinner and playtime. Rob grilled out and they had a fantastic spread to spoil us mommy's. As you can tell, Nolan didn't have fun at all.
Staci, Dan & their three boys were there too, and Nolan was trying hard to keep up with the older two.
Tara with Alex:
My wonderful husband gave me the gift of shopping at Lowes for some flowers for our upcoming garden and front porch, which Nolan helped with. I'll post pics as we progress with the garden. I'm certainly not a green thumb, but we'll give it a go... I hope all my Momma's out there had a day filled with loves, kisses and relaxtion!!
I love this pic of Abby watching the bird.
I know that it's only fair that you think I'm terribly mean by putting my son in time out AT THE BEACH for pete's sake. But really, I warned him, and throwing sand in our friends faces is always a fast ticket to time out. Boy was he MAD!