Nolan amazed me, humbled me, and honored me from day one of being a big brother. I remember calling him to tell him I was staying at the doctors to have the babies. I was expecting a big excited reaction, considering he asked me constantly at the end if it was time. But he just said, really quietly, "Okay." Then, "But I want you to come back here [to grandma & papa's]." It was only later that I realized he thought he would be there, be a part of the birth. I am so grateful to my in-laws and to my parents for bringing Nolan to the hospital. He was certainly a handful, but his reaction to it all was priceless. The other thing that struck me was one of his first questions. "Where is Baby Daniel?" His face was the saddest thing. I can only imagine what he thought, even though we tried very hard to prepare him for what was to come. I wish upon stars I could have seen him meet Daniel that night, but I'm glad he got to see him right away and have his fears put to rest. But here are some moments with Joseph that I did get to witness...and even though the first few moments with D were not witnessed by me, I have a year and a heart full of memories of them!!
Look at that proud smile!So...a week from today my babies turn one. One year!! No way can it have been one year. Even though I have lots of current pictures to catch up on, I really feel inclined to reflect on this time last year and what it has meant to me. You never get it back, you know? That first year... I always tell people I know it was special and I hold it close to my heart, but you couldn't pay me to relive those first few months. And yet, even now, my heart aches at how quickly the time has gone. Anyway...here are some pics from last year that I never got around to posting. Maybe some repeats, but good times nonetheless.
Brian's parents took Nolan and I to the zoo after visiting the doctor one day. Brian was back in FL and not happy that I was walking around, but the doctors had assured me it was okay. I was 34 wks and actually felt pretty good until the end of the day. When I was done, I was D-O-N-E. I love how Nolan always loved on the babies, even in my belly:
Sweet Emily, Brian's cousin, was pregnant and due about the same time I was, about 2 weeks after me. For the people who said "I didn't look I was that big" or "having twins"...well, here ya go...I was HUGE (and I totally loved every second)!!! How adorable is Emily and her cute belly? Her son Max is just as cute!!!
Before we departed Florida our wonderful friends, Erin and Evan, threw a Farewell party for us. It was perfect, because the last few weeks were so hectic we didn't get to get together with friends nearly as much as wanted to, so I was grateful to see everyone one last time. It was very bittersweet, of course, because we were so blessed with a fantastic group of friends. I am sure I could have survived those first critical months with the twins without them, but I'll be honest, I don't think I would have wanted to. From meals, to help with Nolan, to babysitting, to just plum listening and getting together for play dates and moms nights out to keep me sane...these folks are part of our history of being a family of five. I'll miss each of them dearly. I didn't take nearly enough pictures that night, but I am glad I spent the time chatting instead!
Lilly always loved the twins and was so nurturing to them. Good thing, as she's a new BIG sister!
Lots and lots of kiddos having lots and lots of fun!