- Nolan loves his girl country stars. Recently he pointed at the TV and said, "Hey its Carrie UnderWEAR!"
- Nolan wants to know how many days until just about anything. "How many days until the weekend? How many days until Thanksgiving? How many days till Christmas?" and so on. His most recent was, "How many days until I can be a daddy? Lots, right? Like, 109!"
- The following was the best I could do to record a very sweet and innnocent conversation with Nolan about God: "God lives TWO WHERE. In our hearts and in the sky. When we die that's okay because he just takes our hand and pulls us up. He doesn't need a rocket ship. Will some kids in Heaven be a baby? (I answered, "Yes, I think some will be.") But then the babies wouldn't be able to chase me around. I need to tell Daddy to believe in Jesus so we can play together in Heaven."
- Nolan asked, "Mommy, how come people have blood in them?" (my response of course was the scientific, "You need to ask Daddy.")
- Nolan said he prayed that God would give him 8 babies. Then he said, "Then we'll have 11! Me, my brothers and 8 more! That's alot of car seats, Mommy!" I'm glad he's learning math!!
Joseph & Daniel: (I know its not fair to group them, but there are so many that are the same)!
- The boys love to do the animal sounds. There favorites and best are monkey "ooh ooh, ah ah" and bear, where they raise their arms over their heads and say "Roar!"
- There is a little space, just big enough for a toddler, between the wall and each crib. They will run to their crib and hide back there until we say, "Where is Joseph/Daniel?" Then they pop out and and say "raaa" and laugh hysterically.
- They are in gymnastics and learning tons. Like how to climb our furniture. They can both climb Nolan's train table and both can climb their furniture storage bins in the living room. J has figured out the coffee table. If D is struggling to get on some kind of furniture, J will go behind him and push his toosh to help him up. Awesome.
- When Joseph gets really mad, he throws whatever he can find and chucks it.
- When D gets mad he runs to a wall or door and slams both fists into it.
- The saying "Monkey see, monkey do" has taken on a whole new meaning. Especially at mealtime, when they sit across from one another. One smears applesauce in hair, so does the other one. One throws a fork, so does the other one, and so on. Then there's anything Nolan does...oh my!
- We call Joseph Shoeless Joe Jackson because he consistently takes off one shoe and sock.
- They will sit through an entire episode of Baby Einsteen. I'm so thankful!!!