Cheyna gave me the gift of a Family Fun magazine subscription a few years back. It always has the BEST ideas to do with kids. One of the articles for this past summer was making ice cream in a bag. You take heavy cream, vanilla, sugar, seal it in a bag. Put that bag in a bigger zip lock bag of ice and kosher salt (please look up actual instructions before doing this). Shake for 5 minutes. We couldn't believe it actually worked. Brian and I, however, did most of the shaking!

The bags after shaking for 5-7 minutes:

The pay off:

I thought it tasted like home made ice cream that we churned as kids. It wasn't sweet enough for Nolan, but that's probably just a product of his generation. We offered it in a cup with sprinkles, etc and next time I think that would help his need for better taste...aka, more sugar. The twins ate ever last bite! This will definitely be a summer tradition. Best done on bath nights!
1 comment:
Thanks for the reminder of this very fun family activity! Wyatt actually did this when he was in preschool years ago. It makes yummy ice cream!
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