- We have a new pair of shoes that we bought for N, for the start of school. He asks us to wear them everyday. One day Brian said, "Nolan, remember? What are those shoes for?" Nolan said, "MY FEET!"
- One of Nolan's worries about Kindergarten is that if he has to use the bathroom, he'll miss what the teacher says. We explained if he went at designated times, he'll be okay, but he's still worried he'll have to go in between and then miss learning something.
- The twins have this thing about shutting doors. They both want to do it...even if its a door on a hinge (like the front screen door), that closes itself. They fight over who will shut (aka slam) the doors and it terrifies me that a finger will get smashed.
- The twins also fight over bringing syrup from the pantry to the table. If I ask for "help" they race to it. One brings it to the table while the other one screams bloody murder. Then I put it back and they switch, one helps and the other screams.
- They both like to climb into their carseats, but also try to sneak in the back and sit next to Nolan where they giggle and giggle. One of them always gets back there while I put the other one in their seat.
- Joseph and Daniel are both coming leaps and bounds with talking, repeating better and their words sound much clearer.
- D loves to sing "moon moon" at night, to himself and Joseph.
- J will take the shirt off one of their little stuffed animals, go in the bathroom, get a kleenex, wipe it clean and say, "poop."
- Josephs first full sentence went like this: Me: Joseph, are you going to be a big boy and go on the potty, like Cami and Nolan?" Joseph: No. Me baby. No potty. Me diaper."
- When I ask for a kiss, J sticks his little lips all the way out, like a big pout. D almost sucks them in, like he's getting blown in the wind. I love both expressions and both ways to the kisses!!
- D's hair is as straight as can be. J's is curly. A neighbors mom told me, "Wasn't God smart to give you twins with different hairstyles to tell them apart?" I laughed and laughed and thought this was a wonderful thought!!!! Especially since she didn't mention size difference once! ;)

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