Friday, September 30, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

When we visited Fourth Cliff for a few days back in May, we decided to book Labor Day then. It seemed so far away, but wow, summer flew by. We were happy to learn there were other families from base that were going to be at Fourth Cliff too. It was a fabulous weekend and we lucked out big time time with the weather!!

The boys loved playing with all the sea creatures. Nolan with a starfish:
I love this pic of J Bear:
This picture sums of the emotions of summer for me. Watching my boys play in the water, sand between our toes. Love them, and love these years. This was outside the restaurant we found for breakfast one day....which was so good. I can't resist pics of Danny smiling at the camera!!
Saturday, the Cullens hosted a magnificent feast of lobser. We all brought a side dish or dessert and they made the lobster as part of their going away party. It was so much fun and I'll really miss their sweet family even though we only knew them for a year.
Nolan and Joseph throwing rocks:
Tara and Sean brought the girls up Sunday. It was perfect beach weather and we hung out on the beach, then grilled out and let the kids play.
Ashlynn and Nolan with the water view behind them.

September Kid-Isms

  • Nolan was hiding and playing; when I came around the corner I asked what he was up to. His reply, "Go away. I'm talking to myself. Run along, run along..."
  • Nolan was talking to a neighbor who was outside and said, "Why are you doing that?" I told him that was bad manners and he asked how he should ask. I thought and said, "How about, 'what are you up to?'" He said, "Mom, thats how big people talk. I'm a kid. This is how I talk, when I'm big I'll talk like you." Touche.
  • Brian asked N if he had been good at school that day. Nolan said, "I'm always good. I don't even pick my nose at school."


  • When we drive up a hill in a car, stroller or bike, the twins say, "Up, up, up, up..." until we get to the top of the hill.
  • After any song they clap and say, "Yaaay."
  • If one has to apologize, they both end up saying sorry to each other, then hug.
  • Joseph definitely knows all his colors. Daniel is not AS interested (much like Nolan), but gets it right about 50% of the time.
  • Their favorite show is Dora the Explorer. They beg to watch it all day and will follow me around saying, "Do-a! Do-a!!"
  • They insist on climbing into their own seats...stroller, carseat, booster. Its a time consuming period of our lives!
  • They both say "Cheese" when I pull out the camera. Many times however, D is not in the mood and will look at me and shout, "Noooo!"

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sweet Shot Tuesdays

I started reading Darcy's blog almost a year ago, around the time I purchased my Digital SLR camera. I have learned SO much from her and from her followers. I keep saying I'm going to start doing "Sweet Shot Tuesdays," a weekly event that allows photography bloggers (which she deems anyone with a camera) to post their pictures. We can admire each others work and encourage one another. But here's the thing. I'm a big chicken. This is NOT me fishing for compliments. But its also pretty sad that I've waited this long to start doing something concrete about something I love so much...taking pictures. So I'm taking a big leap and will commit to once a week photos. Ironically, Darcy's taking a one month hiatus from Sweet Shot Tuesdays to blog and teach the rest of us more about photography. But, I really plan to stick with this. Wish me luck. And I'm open to all the advice and suggestions you have about photography and photo editing. I'm such a rookie.

Sweet Shot Day

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Meet n Greet

The day before Kindergarten started, Nolan and I went to his Meet N Greet, where he was able to find out who his teacher is, meet her, and see the classroom. He was pretty shy that day and it was sweet. Here he is making his name plaque for his locker. He wanted it to be Captain America, so we had to "make" silver by mixing some crayon colors. Such a big boy, I'm so proud of him!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Way Back When..

Did no one warn me how insane having a school aged child would be? Or did they and I chose not to listen> Fall has kicked off with a bang and I'm shocked September is almost over. Its been a complete whirlwind and I'll admit we are in an adjustment period in our house! I miss doing simple things I enjoy, like scrapbooking and blogging. That being said, here are some pictures from July. Yes, July, or maybe early August. Don't judge me. We took a day trip to Kittery, Maine. They have some great outlets, so we bored the boys first with shopping, then took them on an adventure to find a beach. We found a beautiful, hidden one and it was magnificent. We finished up with dinner at Warrens, which had AMAZING food!!

The boys:

We didn't dress the twins in their suits, becasue the last few times we have gone to the water, they were terrified. Daniel still wasn't sold completely, but Joseph had NO FEAR. Thankfully we brought a change of clothes. In this pic, Brian's yelling at them to come back and they were pretending not to hear. Meeting a crab:
Nolan and Momma:
A couple of Danny I just love :

Tuesday, September 06, 2011


Dear Nolan,

Here we are. The day I quite frankly looked forward to and dreaded with equal amounts of emotions. Your first day of kindergarten. It seems to me you've been ready for over a year, but I know that's not completely true. But you have sure been excited about this big milestone. And yet, as we neared the school, you racing ahead with your buddy, Max, I could sense some shyness. You slowed down. You took my hand. You took in the big school, the hoards of kids. The ringing bell. And your sweet blue eyes were the size of quarters. Not scared. Just aware that this was pretty big. You stood in line with your class, looking around, sizing it all up. I tried so hard to keep it together. I kept thinking about a day, not long ago, sunny and bright in Cheyenne. Walking into work, rubbing my big swollen pregnant belly and seeing my co-worker, Maryellen, wiping her eyes. She was one of my mentors and I quickly asked if she was okay. She chuckled, wiped her eyes and said, "My baby started kindergarten today." I hugged her and she said, as we made our way into work, "Just wait, that little boy will be in kindergarten before you know it." Ha! Double ha! This baby had no plans to even get out of my belly yet, my ankles were the size of telephone poles, my feet got so swollen and sweaty, Brian made me shower them before I walked around barefoot in our house and I couldn't make it more than a few hours without craving peanut butter, ice cream or cereal. You were my baby. We cannot believe how fast the time goes, until its gone. Gone. Like a fine mist over a lake, that I can see, but its reality of existance is transclucent. Memories, sunshine and laughter, swingsets, bandaids, ice cream trucks, playdates, spilled milk (sure that's not over), becoming a big brother, and now this. Waving good-bye to me as you walked away. Walked away, into that school. My baby. Would you like to get back in my belly, just for a minute or a day? When you disappeared around the corner, my composure crumbled. I love you sweet boy. I'm so very proud of you. So very excited for you and the adventures that lay ahead. I will always be here. Always be your biggest cheerleader and fan and my love for you will never ever fade, but continue to grow, like you do, my son.

Love, Mommy

I LOVE this pic!! Danny, Nolan, & Joey: Nolan's "silly" face: Max, our next door neighbor, and Nolan. Both started kindergarten, but they are in seperate classes. I've been asked twice if I have two sets of twins. Nolan is beyond excited about his back pack. My baby.... Nolan and his teacher: My friend Tammi started a tradition of making a cake on the first day of school. I decided to try it. Kindergarten is a long word, difficult to fit on a cake. Brian thought I forgot the "K" since it was not in blue and thought I needed to go back to school. We finished the day off with clam chowder soup, upon Nolan's request. He's truly loves New England!!!