Dear Nolan,
Here we are. The day I quite frankly looked forward to and dreaded with equal amounts of emotions. Your first day of kindergarten. It seems to me you've been ready for over a year, but I know that's not completely true. But you have sure been excited about this big milestone. And yet, as we neared the school, you racing ahead with your buddy, Max, I could sense some shyness. You slowed down. You took my hand. You took in the big school, the hoards of kids. The ringing bell. And your sweet blue eyes were the size of quarters. Not scared. Just aware that this was pretty big. You stood in line with your class, looking around, sizing it all up. I tried so hard to keep it together. I kept thinking about a day, not long ago, sunny and bright in Cheyenne. Walking into work, rubbing my big swollen pregnant belly and seeing my co-worker, Maryellen, wiping her eyes. She was one of my mentors and I quickly asked if she was okay. She chuckled, wiped her eyes and said, "My baby started kindergarten today." I hugged her and she said, as we made our way into work, "Just wait, that little boy will be in kindergarten before you know it." Ha! Double ha! This baby had no plans to even get out of my belly yet, my ankles were the size of telephone poles, my feet got so swollen and sweaty, Brian made me shower them before I walked around barefoot in our house and I couldn't make it more than a few hours without craving peanut butter, ice cream or cereal. You were my baby. We cannot believe how fast the time goes, until its gone. Gone. Like a fine mist over a lake, that I can see, but its reality of existance is transclucent. Memories, sunshine and laughter, swingsets, bandaids, ice cream trucks, playdates, spilled milk (sure that's not over), becoming a big brother, and now this. Waving good-bye to me as you walked away. Walked away, into that school. My baby. Would you like to get back in my belly, just for a minute or a day? When you disappeared around the corner, my composure crumbled. I love you sweet boy. I'm so very proud of you. So very excited for you and the adventures that lay ahead. I will always be here. Always be your biggest cheerleader and fan and my love for you will never ever fade, but continue to grow, like you do, my son.Love, Mommy
I LOVE this pic!!

1 comment:
Sniff, where are my tissues! I can't believe he's in Kindergarten! Please give him, Daniel and Joseph a hug from Grammy Susan!
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