- Nolan was hiding and playing; when I came around the corner I asked what he was up to. His reply, "Go away. I'm talking to myself.
Run along, run along..." - Nolan was talking to a neighbor who was outside and said, "Why are you doing that?" I told him that was bad manners and he asked how he should ask. I thought and said, "How about, 'what are you up to?'" He said, "Mom, thats how big people talk. I'm a kid. This is how I talk, when I'm big I'll talk like you." Touche.
- Brian asked N if he had been good at school that day. Nolan said, "I'm always good. I don't even pick my nose at school."
- When we drive up a hill in a car, stroller or bike, the twins say, "Up, up, up, up..." until we get to the top of the hill.
- After any song they clap and say, "Yaaay."
- If one has to apologize, they both end up saying sorry to each other, then hug.
- Joseph definitely knows all his colors. Daniel is not AS interested (much like Nolan), but gets it right about 50% of the time.
- Their favorite show is Dora the Explorer. They beg to watch it all day and will follow me around saying, "Do-a! Do-a!!"
- They insist on climbing into their own seats...stroller, carseat, booster. Its a time consuming period of our lives!
- They both say "Cheese" when I pull out the camera. Many times however, D is not in the mood and will look at me and shout, "Noooo!"

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