Tuesday, November 29, 2005
We're Still Here!
I'm sorry it's been so long! We are busy spending time with Nolan and Grandma and Grampa McMenamy. Tomorrow Grammie & Grammpie Ley get here, so its a very exciting time. We are taking LOTS of pictures and I promise that when Brians back at work and our visitors are back home, I'll post plenty of pictures.
It's all just so amazing. Brian asked me last night if I ever felt like this was all too good to be true. Every day I feel that way. I am amazed at the miracle of this little boy and we can't wait for him to meet all of you! We love you all!
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Welcome to the World Nolan Richard
As most of you probably know by now, our son, Nolan Richard, was born Wednesday, November 16th at 10:50 AM. It turns out that induction was not necessary, which looking back we are both very grateful for.
Tuesday morning I woke up having contractions and thought to myself, "today's the day." I was almost right. Brian and I spent the day running last minute errands and around 1:30 PM started timing the contractions. They were running mostly 7-12 minutes apart, so we knew it wasn't quite time, but they were consistant. We made dinner and as it was making, the contractions got closer togehter (as close as 5 minutes). We knew we had to go to the hospital! It was very surreal. After teh nurse hoooked me up to see where I was they discovered I was slightly dehydrated, so they thought that may be the reason I was having such close contratctions (I was still only 1 cm). Anyway, they had us walk laps around the hospital and at the next check, I was 3 cm dilated. They admitted me and the labor continued (yeah, no false alarm!). When I got to 10 cm, we started the pushing, but after 2 hours, there was little way to deny that Nolan wasn't going to be able to make it out alone. They used a "vaccum" to suction his head out and it was then we heard the MOST beautiful sound in the world. Our baby's crying. It was a long night and an even longer morning, but it was so worth it. Nolan weighed in at 6 lbs, 6.5 ounces,19.5 inches long. We returned home yesterday afternoon and are getting adjusted and used to our new lifestyle. The dogs are a bit unsure what to think, but are doing great and wag their tails at Nolan and Tootsie whines when he cries.
Thank you to everyone for your prayers, thoughts, phone calls and visits, tehy all mean so much right now. Here are some pictures of our son, the love of our lives. There will be plenty more to come, but bear with me now, as post may not be as frequent as we adjust to the changes! :)

Monday, November 14, 2005
Wednesday, Not Tuesday
I had my doctor's appointment today (hopefully my last one while I am pregnant!) and Dr. L realized he was working Wednesday, not Tuesday. He was very apologetic, but one day isn't a huge deal. So Wed the plan is that we go in at 8 AM for the induction!
Brian and I had a great weekend. Friday we decided to go to one last movie and Brian was sweet enough to agree to a chick flick, "In Her Shoes" which is a movie based on a book I had read. It was a VERY cute movie, we both enjoyed it. Saturday we went to dinner with the Halls and Hlivko's at Chili's. Sunday we went to church, took a nap, and watched Desperate Housewives. I was also able to finish the bib I was cross stitching for the baby. I am glad that's finished! Here are some pictures of our weekend.
Tanner, saying "Cheese me!"
Tanner, Tammi & Tim (Evan is in his car seat and can't be seen in the pic)!

Matt & Kim:
And the finished product of the bib! :)
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Happy Birthday Meghan, my dear friend. You are only one more year closer to the big 3-0, but who's counting? I love that you are always older than me...tee hee!! I wish we could be there to celebrate another fine year with you. We miss you!
And Jeb obeyed and didn't come today, upon orders from you that this is your day (or as you like to think, a National Holiday). Love you!

Friday, November 11, 2005
Nursery Pictures
The nursery is complete and ready for our little turkey to arrive. The only thing we haven't hung are the letters that spell his name (that we painted). Unfortunately, it is cloudy today so I had also use the room light (which if you'll notice is new, thanks to Brian's handy man work). I can't believe we'll actually have a baby for this room any day now!!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005
A date is set!
I had a doctor's appointment today with our favorite doctor. He said I am still 1 cm dilated, but 80 % effaced (last week I was 50%). He said that we're just so close and he wants us to have a light at the end of the tunnel, so Tuesday (Nov 15th) I will be induced (if the baby hasn't come on his own by then). Brian and I were pretty shocked, but I trust this doctor more than anyone and know that he feels this is okay, then we are ready. Now I am simply giddy with excitement to think that in less than a week I will most likely be meeting my son!!!
Yesterday I had LOTS of contractions, from about 12:30 until I went to bed. They were pretty intense at times, but never so painful that I thought "it was time." We went to Target and walked some laps to see if we could get things moving along and the contractions definitely did get stronger, so maybe the little guy will come on his own.
So that is the latest news. We have another appointment Monday to get everything squared away. Please keep us in your prayers over the next week. We will be sure to let everyone know when something does happen! :)
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Sigh of Relief
Brian is currently on his way home from his last November alert. Which is very relieving, knowing that any day now, I could go into labor. We kept telling the little guy to wait until after today and he has listened well, although I had a scare last night when I started having some pretty good contractions. Luckily,they must have been Braxton Hicks, because they did go away. Whew!
Last night Tammi had myself and Kim (and Avery) over for dinner, as all the husbands were on alert (gasp...That never happens on the same night, especially a weekend)! She picked up Applebee's for us (what an awesome chick) and we chilled out and chatted, and had a good time playing with Tanner. I have to share this funny story about Tanner (who, if you don't recall is 3). I was sitting with him playing with a "puzzle" of sorts that spelled out his name. Each block letter was a different color and was to be put in its right order. This was a gift from Miss Keelee, he told me RIGHT AWAY! Anyway, the "T" to the puzzle was missing and I said, "Tanner, where's the 'T'?" He looked at me and then ran off and I thought he had become bored. He returned a moment later with a pitcher of...ICED TEA!!!!! I didn't get it at first of course, but he said, "Here's the 'tea'!" Tammi started laughing and explained it to me and then we could NOT stop laughing! Tanner is so smart! What a cutie!!
thanks Tammi for a very relaxing night with the girls (and Tanner and Evan, of course), I think we all needed it!
Friday, November 04, 2005
New Assignment
I can't believe it is already November! Sorry that it's been so long since we've posted, but the internet was down for a few days, due to our new phone being put in. Since the phone is a line through our digital cable/computer, the new equitement they gave us wouldn't allow our internet to work without an adaptor. Brian installed it himself, with the help of Nathan (THANK YOU SO MUCH NATHAN!) so that we wouldn't have to pay Bresnan to do so.
I am loving being home and have spent the week getting everything ready for the baby's arrival. I don't know if you can ever truly be "ready" but I feel good knowing our bags are packed, the house is clean and I am officially "full term." I am going to the doctor weekly now, which is so exciting!!!
On a very exciting note, we found out where our next assignment is. Brian received orders to Eglin AFB, which is in Florida!!! The base is very close to Pensacola and is on the Gulf side. We are thrilled. The base is right on the beach! We aren't very much closer to St. Louis, which is the only sad thing, but we figure we may not have to twist arms as much to get you all to visit! We're 4 hours away from Orlando, so Disney world won't be too far. And of course, the first words out of my mom's mouth were: "Don't get sunburned."
Our friends Jake and Jamie Malone just moved to Eglin about a month ago, so we're excited to know that they'll be there when we arrive!
We'll post again soon. We're putting some finishing touches on the nursery and then we'll post some pictures of those. HAPPY FRIDAY!
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