I had my doctor's appointment today (hopefully my last one while I am pregnant!) and Dr. L realized he was working Wednesday, not Tuesday. He was very apologetic, but one day isn't a huge deal. So Wed the plan is that we go in at 8 AM for the induction!
Brian and I had a great weekend. Friday we decided to go to one last movie and Brian was sweet enough to agree to a chick flick, "In Her Shoes" which is a movie based on a book I had read. It was a VERY cute movie, we both enjoyed it. Saturday we went to dinner with the Halls and Hlivko's at Chili's. Sunday we went to church, took a nap, and watched Desperate Housewives. I was also able to finish the bib I was cross stitching for the baby. I am glad that's finished! Here are some pictures of our weekend.
Tanner, saying "Cheese me!"
Tanner, Tammi & Tim (Evan is in his car seat and can't be seen in the pic)!
Matt & Kim:

And the finished product of the bib! :)

Maddie says she likes the baby's room and the bib looks sooooo cute. She keeps wanting to go back to the funny lady with the big lips! We just had a big storm go thru and were without power for about 1 hour. Luckily it is light out or I would have had Maddie plastered to me like a suction cup. I called to update PaPa of the change in due date. He got a button buck and is butchering it today. Love and prayers are with you all.
Good luck and enjoy your new little angel when he gets here.
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